Mega Blastoise and Mega Venusaur vs. Mega Charizard X

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Mega Blastoise and Mega Venusaur entered the room where Lysandre was in... Lysandre was in a chair, looking at a computer screen... He got up from the chair and turned to the two mega pokemons... 'Ahhh, welcome, welcome!' he exclaimed 'I may have guessed what you want already! It's... Mega Charizard Y, isn't it?' 'YES!' Mega Venusaur yelled. 'Give our friend back to us!' Mega Blastoise yelled. 'Well, tell that to Arceus because... your friend, is dead...' Both of them looked at Lysandre, stunned... 'You may be thinking that I am lying but... I am not...' Lysandre continued 'MEGA CHARIZARD Y WAS A USELESS POKEMON AND DIED TOO EASILY, BEFORE WE COULD REVEAL THE SECRET OF THE X and Y Separation Secret in Mega Evolution!' Mega Blastoise and Venusaur just looked at Lysandre... 'WE will finish you!' Blastoise yelled. Venusaur smiled as he agreed with his new friend... 'That cannot happen because another Charizard will be the one to stop you both!' Lysandre yelled as he took out a Charizard out of his poke-ball... Then he activated the Mega Stone and the Charizard suddenly started transforming into Mega Charizard X! Mega Blastoise and Mega Venusaur were ready for this... 

Mega Charizard X was fast enough and quickly used Steel Wings on Blastoise. It attacked Blastoise first since it knew that he had type advantage over it... Mega Venusaur took advantage of this and used Mega Drain! That surprisingly did not drain much health from Mega Charizard X and it instead turned to Venusaur just to use Flamethrower! Blue fire emitted out of Charizard's mouth, hurting Mega Venusaur a lot! Within this time, Blastoise had recovered and used Dragon rage on Mega Charizard X. It hurt Charizard and it responded with Fury Swipes! Then it flew high up in the air and used Flamethrower on Mega Venusaur again! Venusaur got angry and used Hyper Beam but Charizard quickly dodged that and so it hit the roof of the building which started to crumble. 'Ohno!' Lysandre yelled. He immediately got out of there and told his scientists and other members to get out of that building too! That battle of Mega Charizard X, Mega Blastoise and Mega Venusaur raged on. Suddenly Mega Venusaur noticed something. There was a device attached to Mega Charizard X's ear! Venusaur told Blastoise about it. 'I think Team Flare is controlling it with that device, we must take it off!' he told. While they were talking, Mega Charizard X attacked them from behind by using Dragon Rage on both of them! Then it used Fire Spin of Mega Venusaur and then went to use Dragon Claw on Mega Blastoise but that is when he used Bite on Mega Charizard X's ear and broke the pokemon controlling device!

Mega Charizard X regained his consciousness and was confused. 'You had been controlled by Team Flare and were attacking both of us!' Venusaur said. Mega Charizard suddenly started to remember that the last thing he saw before going into a deep sleep was a Team Flare scientist attaching a device in his ear and Lysandre pushing a button. He then realized that they were controlling him for a long time! 'They also killed one of our friends...' Blastoise said 'Mega Charizard Y... By testing on him so much...' Mega Charizard X remembered it.. The horror of seeing Mega Charizard Y collapsing... No, dying before his own eyes! He quickly flew high up in the air and started using Flamethrower on the entire building. Lysandre, The Team Flare members, Venusaur and Blastoise quickly got out of the team Flare building as Mega Charizard X destroyed it...

From that day onwards, Mega Blastoise, Mega Venusaur and Mega Charizard X became good friends... They attacked Team Flare many times for what they did to Mega Charizard Y but still failed to destroy Team Flare as a whole... They would always remember Mega Charizard Y... Always... 

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