Lucario Visits The Haunted House

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Lucario was standing outside of The Forbidden Haunted House of Kalos... He Mega Evolved and then slammed open the door. He entered and then turned around, smiling, just to see no door anymore... There was just a wall... 'It's an illusion, isn't it?' he asked 'I can see with my Aura that the door is still there... Your illusion is just too strong and that's why other people cannot see through it...' 'How did he see through my illusion?' Mega Gengar. He was invisible and floating up in the air. He quickly called Mega Banette. 'This guy's aura is pretty dangerous for us, let's kill him!' Gengar said to Banette. Mega Banette just tilted his head indicating "Yes". 'You can't kill me, even if you are plotting to, Mega Gengar and Mega Banette...' Mega Lucario yelled 'Your invisibility won't work on me! My aura is very strong!' 'ENOUGH!' Mega Gengar yelled. The next thing Mega Lucario saw in front of his eyes was Mega Gengar an inch away from his face, staring at his face and smiling, showing his sharp big teeth at him! Lucario quickly jumped back... 'I am not going to die like others!' Mega Lucario yelled. Mega Banette watched Mega Lucario and Mega Gengar break up into a fight! He just giggled and enjoyed the fight. Mega Lucario used his blue Aura Balls on Mega Gengar and that hit him. He also responded by punching Lucario right in the face. Before Lucario could attack back something grabbed his hands. He was unable to move... 

Somebody was sucking all the strength and energy out of him by using Sucker Punch. He had been weakened and his aura powers weren't even working that much. He fell on the ground and fainted. 'Good job, Mega Banette...' Mega Gengar said 'Now... kill him...' Mega Banette smiled. He was about to attack just when Mega Lucario jumped back and used and used Power Up Punch. 'I was acting to faint!' Mega Lucario yelled 'How are you so foolish to not see that I didn't revert back to being Lucario?' Mega Gengar punched him from the back again and then bit him. He took advantage of that and used Aura Sphere. That threw back Mega Gengar... He then used Aura Sphere on the entire haunted house and broke it down! 'NOOO!' Mega Gengar yelled. Mega Banette just giggled. 

Mega Gengar was angry but Mega Lucario stopped him and then explain everything to him... Even they wanted to stop Shiny Mega Rayquaza! They joined Mega Lucario and Lucario took them to the group and made them a part of Mission Shiny Rayquaza... Mega Banette kept smiling... 'You... are the real fool, Lucario...' Mega Gengar thought... 

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