The Mega Disagreement

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All the Mega Pokemons were agreeing with Lucario's, Blaziken's, Mewtwo's and Diancie's decisions except for Mega Kangaskhan, Mega Absol, Mega Scizor, Mega Charizard X and Mega Salamence. 

'A HUMAN hunter killed my son...' Mega Kangaskhan yelled. 'All humans are not like each other...' Diancie replied 'Mega Rayquaza is bad, but does that mean all pokemons are bad? Just like that... There are good and bad humans...' Mega Kangaskhan couldn't respond to Diancie... She was proven wrong...

'But if the humans we are merging with turn out to be the bad ones?' Scizor yelled 'We must not merge with humans!' 'Why would they be the bad ones?' Diancie asked 'They are working AGAINST SHiny Mega Rayquaza, a bad pokemon and also out enemy! Bad people don't fight against bad pokemons... If they were really bad they wouldn't make any movement against Mega Rayquaza and just laugh at the deaths that Shiny Mega Rayquaza caused!' Scizor had nothing to say... Diancie was right...

'You don't really know anything about humans, do you?' Mega Absol calmly said. 'What do you mean?' Diancie asked. 'They are fighting against Shiny Mega Rayquaza, yes, but what if they turn out to be people who hate pokemons and that's why they are fighting against it?' Absol asked 'What if they sell us and get PokeCoins from that? Do they really NEED us? No, they don't... And that is the reason they can basically do anything with us... Maybe even throw us away like trash if possible! Also the good humans you are talking about are only the normal citizens... Most of the people of giant organizations are corrupt and evil! So there are way more chances of them being evil! They are not innocent little kids! You know how much your diamonds cost? A LOT in PokeCoins... They could just use you to get more diamonds or just sell you to a trainer or even worse, an evil pokemon team! What if they are working under an evil team like Team Flare or Team Rocket? I had dealt with Team Rocket before and.... They are truly evil...' Diancie was astonished.... Absol was giving such points which she could not deny. 'As Diancie said, humans are both good and bad and you cannot say that they are bad just because they are working in an organization before even meeting them!' Lucario's said as he come into the room 'Also, why would they be working under Team Rocket? Why would Team Rocket want to DEFEAT Shiny Mega Rayquaza... Wouldn't they want to catch it? Since Team Rocket wants to catch pokemons, rather than defeat them....' 'You don't really know if they want to catch it or not, do you?' Mega Absol asked. 'You don't know it either, and we cannot know till we meet them...' Lucario said 'And if something wrong happens, we will just destroy them... But I am pretty sure nothing will go wrong since most humans are not bad...'

Absol finally agreed. Latios was ready to take them to that organization working against Shiny Mega Rayquaza... Mewtwo used his psychic powers and lifted everyone up and followed Latios, bringing the rest of them with him, with the help of his Psychic powers! 

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