Mega Venusaur vs. Mega Blastoise

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Mega Venusaur and Mega Blastoise were once the best friends but an incident had tore them apart... The incident of Mega Charizard Y getting captured by Team Flare... They blamed each other for Charizard getting caught and so it slowly broke their friendship until they didn't even want to see each other's faces!

One day, Venusaur was roaming around the forest with his friends who were Leavanny and Bulbasaur... Suddenly he saw Blastoise also walking in the same forest... He noticed them too... 'Huh, look, someone has got new friends after abandoning old ones!' Blastoise yelled. 'If Charizard was still here I would make him my friend too and abandon pokemon like YOU who can never save their friends!' 'Fine then, let's settle this with a fight!' Blastoise said as he Mega Evolved! Venusaur Mega Evolved too! 'Woah, you can do that on your own?' Leavanny and Bulbasaur yelled. 'Huh, looks like you don't tell your secrets to your new friends!' Mega Blastoise said... Mega Venusaur narrowed his eyes as he used Vine Whip! That hit Mega Blastoise but he responded with Dragon Pulse. That hurt Venusaur, Leavanny and Bulbasaur... 'Your new friends don't even know how to dodge, how sad is that!' Blastoise yelled. Venusaur told Leavanny and Bulbasaur to go back and they did so... 'Better not to involve any friends in this, am I right?'  Mega Venusaur asked 'After all, you don't know their value!' This angered Mega Blastoise and he responded with Hydro Cannon! That hit Mega Venusaur again... 'Now, my turn!' he yelled as he used Solar Beam! That directly hit Mega Blastoise... Both the pokemons were heavy so it was hard to dodge for them... Mega Charizard Y was the only one in their group who could dodge swiftly and easily... 

Mega Venusaur used Razor Leaf but Blastoise finally dodged it by using Rapid Spin. Mega Venusaur used Protect and blocked the Rapid Spin. Now Mega Blastoise had come very close to Venusaur so he had to use a good move to defeat him! He used Focus Punch. That almost defeated Venusaur but he made a comeback by using Hyper Beam... Now even Mega Blastoise was nearly defeated... Both of them were on the verge of defeat! Mega Blastoise quickly jumped up in the air and used Flash Canon! That defeated Mega Venusaur and he fainted. Blastoise landed on the ground and was about to leave, he noticed a helicopter flying above his head... The helicopter had a sign on it... Team Flare's logo... Mega Blastoise widened his eyes... 'VENUSAUR!' he yelled. Venusaur slowly woke up. 'Look up!' Blastoise yelled. Venusaur looked up and saw the helicopter. 'If we follow this helicopter we would be able to track down Team Flare's base and rescue Charizard!' Blastoise yelled. Venusaur and Blastoise quickly followed the helicopter and followed Team Flare up to their base! Venusaur and Blastoise looked as the team Flare members got down from the helicopter and went inside the building. Suddenly both of them got in too and attacked those members... They searched every room for Charizard but still couldn't find him... Lysandre was seeing all of this through his camera... 'These are the Mega Venusaur and Blastoise from the Mega Charizard Y Mission...' Lysandre thought while watching 'What are these two doing here? Are they searching for Mega Charizard Y? Do they not know that when we tested and tried to reveal the secret of the X and Y separation between Mega Evolution, we accidentally.... Killed him...' 

Lysandre grinned. 'Let them come...' he thought 'Let them face the wrath of my new Mega Charizard X which I have controlled by one of Team Plasma's devices...' Mega Venusaur and Blastoise had searched all the rooms but didn't find Mega Charizard X... Lysandre's room was the last room left... They opened the door and entered the room... 

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