chapter sixteen

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I pull up in front of Reece's house. He lived alone with his dog. His house wasn't much smaller than mine and it felt very cozy. We walked inside, me assuring every step of his making sure that he gets to his doorstep safely. It was getting late but I didn't want to leave him alone. I wanted to make sure he was going to be alright. "Honestly I don't want to go to sleep." he told me as he took a seat on the sofa in the living room. I followed him in there and took a seat next to him. "You should get some sleep thought. You'll be very hungover tomorrow if you won't sleep." I told him. "Yeah maybe I should go upstairs and change out of this suit." he said standing up from the sofa. "Okay I'll wait here." I said. Part of me wanted to go home as fast as possible but the other part of me wanted to stay and make sure Reece is fine. I know it's not the first time he's drunk but I feel like I owe him some affection after ditching his confession. I still didn't know how to feel about it. I kept questioning if he was right about me feeling the same about him. He made me feel something but I didn't know what it was. "I'm back!" he said coming down the stairs. "Hey is everything alright?" he asked me. I was looking down at my shoes, tired. "Yeah, everything is fine," I said throwing him a smile. "I should get going." I said standing up and going in to give him a goodbye hug. "Why don't you stay over the night? It's late and you're tired. It's not safe for you to drive now." he said while hugging me. His hugs were so comforting, I swear I could hug him for hours. "If you insist, I'll stay." I said. "But I need something to change into." I added. "Come with me." he said heading to the stairs. "Here put these on." he said handing me a black hoodie and a pair of black adidas joggers. "Thank you. Where's the bathroom so I can go change?" I asked way too politely. "No need for that. You can change here, I'll just leave the room." he said heading to the door. I stripped down of my dress and heels and put on the clothes that he gave me. They were so comfortable that I low key didn't want to give them back to him. "Hey, Reece, I'm ready!" I shouted. "They fit you so well! It's not fair!" he said approaching me. I kind of wanted to hug him again and I had no idea where that urge came from. He was just so sweet and kind to me even now that he was sobering up. I went on and hugged him anyway and he didn't seen to mind my randomness and wrapped his hands around me lovingly. His company was so pleasant that I swore I could just stay like that with him for ages. I knew that I wasn't going to sleep in the same bed as him so I headed downstairs to sleep in the couch. "Hey hey, where do you think you're going?" he asked me. "Downstairs. I'm gonna sleep on the couch." I answered. "No fucking way!" he exclaimed. "You can have my bed. I'll sleep on the sofa." he added. "Okay but don't bitch about back aches in the morning then." I said jokingly. I went on and climbed on the bed and cuddled under his cozy sheets as he left the room after throwing me a smile. This guy really knows how to get to my heart no joke.

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