chapter fifteen

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We arrived in the dining room where our boss was waiting for us. All four of us took a seat at the table; Blake and George across from me and Reece. He suggested sitting next to me and I didn't mind it. We all toasted in honour of our boss and the maids brought in the food.  After the dinner ended there was supposed to be an after party. I wasn't really the kind that goes to parties but as long as I had my cousin, my best friend and Reece with me I was fine.
A few moments into the party, George has already picked back up drinking and I saw with the corner of my eye Blake making out with some girl. It wasn't really something that he does usually and I bet the amount of alcohol in his body had something to do with that. "Hey, is everything alright?"  Reece asked me, grabbing my hand again. It slowly became a habit for him but I was fine with it. "Yeah, I'm okay. Why don't we go grab some drinks?" I suggested. "I thought you'd never ask!" he exclaimed laughing. After a couple of beers I saw that he wasn't feeling very well so I dragged him into the kitchen where weren't so many people so he could clear his head a bit. We both leaned against the kitchen counter in silence. He was a bit tired so he rested his head on my shoulder. I reckon that if he would've done this months ago I probably would've flown his head away but now I didn't mind it at all. "You know what?" he said, obviously feeling better. "What?" I asked, slowly brushing my thumb over his knuckles trying to make him feel better. "I must admit this. I really really like you. Like in all honesty, you are incredible. I remember hating you for no reason and I just want to travel back in time and slap my old self for being so fucking blind." he confessed. "Wait what? You like me? How?" I asked insanely confused. If this little fucker caught feelings for me I'm bloody fucked. "I love you, Freya! Maybe you don't feel it now but I know that deep down you feel the same about me." he answered. I was left shocked. This guy really said that. He said those words. Those bloody words. Words that no one has ever told me before. No one outside my family and my that I mean Blake. "He's drunk he couldn't be in his right state of mind." I told myself. I tried to say something but my words kept getting stuck in my throat. Eventually I managed to say something. "I refuse believe you. You're drunk, you don't know what you're saying, Bibby." I said looking at him kindly. It wasn't that I didn't like him but not like that. Our feelings weren't mutual and the last thing I wanted was to break his heart. "We'll talk about this when you're sober. I learned not to trust drunk people." I added. "Honestly at this point not even alcohol could wipe away what I feel" he said. "Reece, look, I don't want to break your heart okay? I don't want to say something wrong and hurt you. Why don't I drive you home and we'll talk about this tomorrow?" I tried to comfort him. I pulled him into a hug and he wrapped his hands around me tightly. On our way out I ran into Blake and told him I was taking Reece home.
"Last time you drove you almost killed me, remember?" he said laughing. He looked happy but considering the alcohol in his body I couldn't tell if he really was. "Yeah, I remember. I promise I'll get you home safe this time." I said, starting the engine.

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