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I've always asked myself, why is it so important for someone to celebrate this special day as they call it? Why is it so important to them to gather all the people they know in order to make a huge party? Why is is so important to remind people every day that their birthday is soon to come? Why do they give so much importance to a regular day like this one. I mean, okay you were born this day. Big deal. We were all born one day too. No one is that special.

For me, I don't even care about these celebrations and rituels that everyone seem to be engaged in. Why would I remind people that my birthday is coming soon, when they should have it memorized by heart, when they should remember it without me having to point it out every day.

I don't even care about the parties and the celebrations. That's a plus for me. I'm always down for a party whatever day it is. So why would a party on the day I was born be special? It'll be just the same. Or is it just to be the center of attention? I don't get it.

What I get, and care about is the thought that someone invested their time and thoughts into trying to make something like that, special for me. That this person is genuinely trying to make an imprint of this day for me without having anyone to remind him of it. Maybe I'll just get a letter from him with a simple line written on it. And that could be enough for me to make my day, to make my week, or even my month. I'm not saying that I care about the presents. But looking at it differently, it's the thought that someone put to make you a gift that counts. A gift, whatever economical value it holds, I don't even care about its price, I only care about the thought and intention that someone put from their mind and their hearts to make me something special. It shows me that I hold a certain place in their heart. That they're ready to sacrifice some of their precious time to make me something that'll make me happy. A gift, is just an object that holds some sentimental value for me. A gift that I will preciously hoarder, like the lunatic I am. An object that I'll look at every once in a while, and remember, that this time this year, I got something from someone special, it wouldn't care less if I received it on my birthday, or any other day, the same week or the same month. I couldn't care less of what day it is. It's just the thought that counts for me. The thought that I'll be looking at, 10 years from now and remember that some time in the past, I mattered to someone.

So if you're my friend and you're reading this, don't even bother yourself trying to make a party for me, well okay, it wouldn't hurt anyone and it would be fun, but just remember that whatever you do, I'll be remembering it forever, even if it's just a simple wish. It's the thought that matters.


Happy birthday to me.

4:27 am

Posted on 17042019

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