Chapter 1

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It was a quick and admittedly not very well thought out decision that had completely disrupted your life this time. It hadn't been your fault that some idiot had gotten through security at your workplace with a giant scary gun. It wasn't your fault that you happened to be interning at Stark Industries. That was pure dumb luck.

It was admittedly your fault that you shoved Pepper Potts out of the way of the bullets.

You would heal. She would not have.

It was also admittedly your fault that you had turned into a wolf while you shoved her out of the way and torn the guy's throat out when she was safe.

That was definitely on you.

Which is how you found yourself in your current predicament of being carried in wolf form down to the bottom floor of the Avenger's tower by Ironman, slowly fighting through the drugs they'd shot you up with. It wasn't surprising that Ironman could carry you, even in wolf form. You were small for a werewolf, only about the same hundredish pounds of your human form, and he was in his suit. Your wounds had been bandaged and there was vet tape, that stuff that stuck to only itself, wrapped around your muzzle so you wouldn't bite anyone.

This was not turning out to be a good day.

You vaguely realized that this entire floor was filled with glass-walled prison cells.

This day was just getting better...

Ironman opened one of the cells and set you carefully inside, far from the door. He ignored your snarled protests. You understood that they thought you were dangerous. You were dangerous, but you still didn't appreciate the treatment.

"Stark!? I know you dislike me, but throwing an injured wolf in my cell is a bit extreme, even for you," a male voice yelled at Ironman in what would be a pleasing accent were he not so upset. You looked up and saw the slim raven-haired man who had jumped up from the bed in the cell. You recognized him from the news as Thor's brother Loki. He was angry and scared, though mostly angry.

"She's not a wolf," Ironman said from the outside of the cell as the door to the cell slid back shut behind him. You were locked in the cell with the angry Asgardian.

"Sure looks like a wolf from here," Loki snarled, eliciting a snarl in reply from you. He smelled of fear and anger and it was not making you any calmer when you were already injured and fighting through the haze of drugs.

"Until about an hour ago, she was one of my interns. She took those bullets saving Pepper's life. I can't leave her alone, but I have a PR nightmare to deal with. So you're going to make yourself useful while your brother is out of town. Take care of the injured wolf. If you somehow manage to get her to turn back into a human, you can both get out of this cell," Tony told him, then repeated the instruction to something called 'jarvis'. Loki looked thoughtful at the offer.

"Fine," he finally huffed.

"The responders drugged her to get her out of there. Good luck," with that, Ironman left to go deal with the PR nightmare of the shooter and the werewolf.

"Great. A drugged wolf. That makes this easier, Stark," Loki growled at Ironman's retreating back. You huffed at the Asgardian and settled yourself as comfortably as you could, though you snarled when Loki stepped closer to you. He was a stranger and obviously upset. His expression, mood, and posture all softened immediately. "Hush, love," he told you softly, his tone soothing. "I'm not going to hurt you," he added. You laid you head down on your paws to watch him. "It would have been nice had Stark bothered to tell me your name..." he grumped. You snorted in wolfish laughter. He grinned in reply. "So you are aware, then?"

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