Chapter 60

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Loki insisted that you ride on his horse with him back to the palace. You didn't blame him. You'd changed to wolf and back multiple times in a very short period of time while fighting giant armored elephant monsters. You'd also gotten squashed by said armored elephant monsters. So you rode back to the palace cradled in Loki's lap. You minded oh so much. It was safe in his arms and your horse's reins were tied to Loki's horse so it would stay with the group, though you'd been reassured that it would come anyway. Apparently Asgardian horses were smart. You didn't know if that was typical or not. Nor did it matter.

"Let the Allfather think you were injured saving Mother," Loki whispered in your ear. "It's not a lie, you were injured. He knows how much effort you put in to saving her, though she wasn't yours to save,"

"Of course I'd save her," you protested indignantly. He should know you better than that.

Loki chuckled. "Yes, darling. I know you would, but he does not. You are not from here. You are a guest. There is no reason for you to have jumped into that battle at least not from his perspective. It won't change his opinion alone, but knowing that you were willing to fight and sacrifice for someone who is not yours to protect will earn you points with him. Trust me, I know how his mind works,"

You nodded and curled yourself in his arms, laying your head on his shoulder. You were tired from changing forms so many times during the fight. And this was a much better way to ride a horse. There were a lot of activities that were much better curled in Loki's arms.


Odin's attitude toward you changed dramatically after the fight. He had seen your skills and was impressed with what he saw. You were a trained warrior as well as being an honored wolf. Loki did as he'd promised and showed you the wonders of Asgard and how a princess should be treated. The people basically worshipped you and kept trying to give you offerings, which was strange when you were so used to hiding what you were all the time back home.

There were markets to explore. You and Loki rode out to various sites around the realm and he showed you his favorite haunts. You saw the library, annoyed Thor's idiot friends, visited the gardens. You spent quite a lot of time with Frigga. There were servants to see to your every whim.

It was a strange experience and you weren't sure you could ever get used to it. But you loved every moment of the attention and love of everyone around you.

After a couple weeks on Asgard you looked to Loki "Do you have an almanac for Asgard?" You asked. You didn't know how long you were staying here. Loki said he'd cleared the trip with Stark and Pepper so your job would be waiting for you when you got home. They all wanted you to have a good time and help make up for some of your shitty childhood. All the pampering on this trip was definitely doing that.

Loki chuckled. "I don't need one. The full moon is next week, darling. Don't fret. I have plans for us for it," he told you warmly and kissed you.


The day of the full moon you slept in late, curled up with Loki as per usual. You expected to wake up with moon fever as usual, but there was none. You felt perfectly normal. And that was confusing. Loki was confused too. He'd been fully prepared to pamper you the entire day and care for you through the moon fever. Instead he had a werewolf to entertain, but you enjoyed a nice quiet day in the library, resting since you would have a busy evening playing in the woods as a wolf all night.


Late that afternoon, the pair of you made your way deep into the royal forest to a wide open clearing near a lake. It was a beautiful spot and you had a lovely picnic dinner at the lake's edge. You watched the sunset with Loki and watched the moon rise, curled up with him with your head on his shoulder.

You watched both full moons rise in the sky.

And watched.

And waited.

And the moon didn't call you.

You looked at Loki confused. He grinned over at you. "Looks like the moon doesn't make you play with her on Asgard," he told you warmly.

You grinned at him in reply. "It feels so wonderful to see the full moon and not be forced to listen to her call,"

"Do you want to play in the woods anyway?" He asked you while you enjoyed your staring at the moon. You nodded, having been prepared for a run in the woods tonight. You shifted forms and howled a greeting to the moons in the sky. Loki joined you a moment later and his song joined yours.

You ran and played with Loki in wolf form under the stars.

And your wolf chose that night to officially claim her mate under the light of the full moon. While you'd had plenty of sex with him in human form, you'd never while in wolf forms.

Until tonight.

And while your wolf initiated the activity, you never would have unless Loki wanted it as well. And... well.. he was perfectly willing and able. It was just as perfect in wolf form as it was in human.

And you knew in that act that your wolf would never want or accept a different mate.

No matter what happened in your human forms, the wolf had chosen Loki forever.

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