Chapter 24

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There was a soft knock on Loki'd bedroom door that woke you from your dreams of Asgard. You reached automatically under Loki's pillow for one of the daggers he kept scattered around everywhere. Between his daggers and Nat's guns, the entire tower was an armory. Loki chuckled and kissed your hair. "Easy, darling. Let me see who it is before you decide to kill them," he told you, still chuckling softly. He climbed out of the bed and you rolled over to watched, though your eyes were only open a crack, so the person at the door wouldn't tell that you were awake. You would be the surprise attack, backup for Loki if he needed it.

"Brother, is Lady Y/N with you? She is not in her room." Thor's voice sounded worried.

"Yes, she's here. I finally got her calmed down. Go away," Loki's voice was pleasant, despite his order to go away.

"Has she told you any more of what happened tonight?"

"No. Now go away before you wake her," Loki replied, sounding like he was enjoying his game of telling Thor to go away.

"We saw the footage, Jarvis was able to see through the magic and record what happened. You cannot be considering marrying her, Brother. You have just met her," Thor's voice was still worried and concerned.

"'Were there more time before graduation, I might entertain that option,'" Loki recited your words, mulling them over. He must have either forgotten you were awake or through you'd fallen back asleep. You blatantly eavesdropped on them since he made that mistake and wasn't guarding his words. "Something she said when Joshua mentioned there was a way for her to get the pack to leave her alone," Loki explained to Thor quickly. "She knew. Dammit. She knew that was an option. Yes, I would marry her Brother, in a heartbeat, and not just to keep her safe,"

"You actually care for her," Thor sounded shocked. "By Odin's beard, you actually love her,"

"Of course I do, witless oaf," Loki grumbled. "Did you think this just a dalliance? I'm not like you. Have you ever known me to have a dalliance? And before you mention time again, might I remind you that you fell in love with your mortal over, what, a weekend? And my love is not mortal," he sighed and actually opened up further. Thor must have been glaring or something to get Loki to be open about his feelings. "I would marry her tomorrow if I could, but that-" what he called Jareth wasn't in English, but the elegance and emotion behind the swear was impressive. "-was right about one thing. She will not accept the proposal unless she believes it is entirely for love. After his words tonight, I fear it will be a very long time indeed to rebuild the trust he destroyed enough for her to ever accept it... Even my silver tongue is unlikely to have a chance to make that happen before May. So we will have to come up with another way,"

"Besides, Brother, you could have to bring her home to get Mother's approval," Thor teased.

"I am a grown man," Loki growled.

"You are a Prince of Asgard, and it would sadden Mother to not meet the woman you wish to wed. Besides, she will love the little wolf who can keep you on your toes and can somehow get even you to relax your formal, stoic demeanor. Mother will be glad to see you so happy. I must admit that I am surprised that wolf has survived the night,"

Loki growled. "He would not have, save that my lady wishes to fight her own battles. I cannot deny her the right to prove to herself that she is capable," he sighed in frustration. "All I can do is offer my help and love and hope my stubborn darling will accept our aid. If we push her too hard she will run from us too. And unless I can break the spell of silence, it will be neigh impossible to get to... what was my lady's term of endearment for him?"

"I believe the term was 'asshat'," Thor replied proudly. Your ears were as traumatized as Cap's to hear that word come out of Thor's mouth.

"Ah, yes, that was it. So I will bide my time and come up with a plan. That is what I do after all," Loki replied with a malicious edge to his words.

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