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Quite a few years later

You held your children's hands as you headed for the park on the Avenger's Compound grounds for the monthly get together. Most of the team and their significant others had moved from the tower in the city to the compound and it's acres of land. Happy and the Iron Legion still kept up a presence in the tower, as there were still people who looked for the Avengers, or for refuge or safety, in the tower. All of your old rooms were still open to you as well, for times that you needed time and space to yourself, as well as to maintain a presence in the city proper.

Not that you needed that often, if ever.

You lived with Loki and your children in a house on the compound's grounds, inside the security of Stark's defenses, but you had your own space away from the team as well. It was a safe place to raise your pups.

You also spent quite a lot of time on Asgard as you and the pups were all welcome there. Wolves were cherished on Asgard after all.

"Hurry up, mama!" Sylvie, your daughter, demanded as she tugged on your hand. She was so excited her wolf ears popped out from her amber hair. She gave orders with such bossiness and an air of expecting to be obeyed, that you were certain that she was going to be an Alpha when she grew up.

You laughed and squeezed her hand. "We'll be there soon enough, don't fret, darling," you told her fondly. She was headstrong and so full of energy. Definitely a puppy still. "You're not going to miss any of our friends,"

"Will papa make it back in time?" Your son asked from your other side. Unlike his older sister, he was shy and reserved, curled tightly around your arm. He looked nearly identical to Loki, with the same pale skin, raven hair, and emerald eyes. There was a happiness in his eyes and a love and acceptance that had too often been missing from Loki's before he'd come to know you. You heard as much from Loki, Thor, and Frigga too often. You never wanted your son to know that sorrow or you Loki to ever know it again. Not now that he was finally accepted.

"I'm sure he will, Lucian," you told the son who was already an omega. You'd known from the second he was born what he was. Omegas were always born to it. Most alphas were as well, but it wasn't quite as obvious until they were older. "He's going to bring Uncle Thor, Aunt Sif, and Torun with him too," you replied. Thor and Sif had gotten married and had a daughter, who was around the same age as the pups.

"Rune's coming?" Sylvie demanded, lighting up to see her cousin.

You nodded and laughed. "Yes, and cousin Morgan and the twins," you replied, naming Stark's daughter and Wanda's kids. Sylvie laughed and skipped the rest of the way to where the picnic would be held.

Lucian helped you and the rest of the team set up. Steve was grilling burgers nearby and you got picnic tables and blankets set up for your afternoon. Sylvie and Luci started chasing each other around in the field, out of the adults' way.

They ran over to you when the bifrost lights lit in the sky and held your hands as the bifrost came down to earth and opened to reveal Loki, Thor, Sif, and their daughter. They ran over to hug Loki, who swept them both up into his arms with a laugh. He was so relaxed and excited and so very happy.

You made your way over to him more slowly and he leaned down to kiss you when you were within reach. "Welcome home, Lo," you greeted him warmly while the pups giggled at the kiss. The pups knew nothing but love and happiness and you kept it that way.

"I missed you, little wolf," Loki replied, though he'd only been gone a couple of days to help his mother with something back home. Loki leaned down to steal another kiss and set the pups down so they could run off with Rune to go play.

You hugged Thor and Sif before you took Loki's hand to drag him to the others. He was finally comfortable with the team, finally feeling like he was part of them and accepted, but he still put on shows about having to spend time with them. Usually. Today he didn't, because he was just getting back from Asgard.

The whole team met once a month to catch up and reconnect, to relax and spend time together, to put the worry of being an Avenger aside and just be the found family that you were. You'd all spread out some since you were no longer all all living in the tower together, especially now that you had kids.

Clint showed up with his wife and kids. Wanda, Vision and the twins came next. Stark, Pepper and Morgan arrived. Bucky, Nat, and Cap were the staples around the compound, the ones without kids.

You ate together and laughed together and after the meal, sat together by the lake enjoying drinks while you watched the children play. Most of you couldn't get drunk, so the children were perfectly safe. You curled in Loki's arms watching as your children shifted to wolf and back as they played a game of chase with the humans. Loki had given them charms as well so they would have clothes when they turned human.

Loki pressed a kiss to your hair and you looked up at him, purring softly. "What is it, love?" He asked at your expression, his voice full of love and happiness.

"We have everything we ever wanted," you replied as you turned your attention back to your little pack, the humans and wolves who made up your pack, your adopted family.

You were safe, loved, and cherished. Your husband and children were happy. You were part of something more, an Avenger, an important part of the team. You had a home on Asgard, a home on Midgard, a family who you loved more than life itself.

And all was right in the world.

The End

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