Chapter 16

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You had a quiet evening in the tower and spent all of Wednesday catching up on chores. You also spent the entire weekend talking with Jarvis and making him your friend. Humans were already space orcs that pack bonded with anything according to the internet and werewolves were even more so, since they actually were pack animals. Needless to say, Jarvis soon became a really good friend, even though he was AI. He was soon sending you silly pictures and videos of the team to try to cheer you up.

You had somehow acquired the habit from your mom of cleaning when you were anxious, so all of the common rooms of the tower were spotless by Wednesday night.

You had dinner with the other campus refugees on Thursday at a little diner one of the kid's parents owned. They fed you all for free and you did the dishes in return. They asked why you weren't spending the holiday with the Avengers, so you had to explain that they'd all gone home, but you couldn't go with them since you'd have to miss work.

Thursday night you spent in Thor's bed. Where Loki's room was the cool comfort of curling up in blankets on a chill winter's night, Thor's was the comfort of basking in the sun on a beach in the summer.

Friday, you braved the crowds to get everyone's Christmas presents. With your combat boots and werewolf aura, you didn't have too much trouble, even on Black Friday. Friday night, you looked for a room to steal that smelled like one of your family. Bruce couldn't share, the Hulk didn't allow it, so his room was out. Clint had a wife and kids, so his was the last resort and only to be used in true desperation. Cap's was military clean and orderly, there was no comfort to be found there. Tony's...looked like a small child had been building robots in it. You didn't even dare try to enter. Nat's bed was comfortable once you'd found the spot in the middle of her hoard of weapons where she curled up catlike to sleep.

You fought off the growing melancholy on Saturday by prepping everything you could for the Thanksgiving feast you were making Sunday to welcome everyone home. That took up your evening after work. The preparations done, and a note on the fridge telling everyone to keep out in case they snuck in on you, you curled up on Loki's bed with a book and a cup of tea, excited to see everyone when they came home the next day.


The sound of the bedroom door opening when you weren't expecting anyone to be home had you awake. Instinct and experience kept you from moving or altering your breathing. You breathed in the scent of the intruder and recognized at once that it was Loki. You relaxed and opened your eyes, propping yourself up on an elbow when you did, a smile on your face. "Loki! You're home early!" You greeted him brightly.

You froze at the expression of utter disgust and hatred on his cold, cruel, face, and burning from his eyes. Had you misunderstood? He had said you were welcome anytime. What was wrong? You moved to sit up, to face him properly, to find out what was going on, to...apologize for being here?

He was on you in an instant with a snarl that would have made a wolf proud. He had you on your back, pinned to the bed, sitting on your hips, one hand pinning your wrists to the bed above your head in a grip that would bruise even your skin. "Loki?" you asked softly, fighting back your own fear. Fear wouldn't help right now. Fear would excite the predator. You had to stay calm. Besides, Loki wouldn't hurt you. He wouldn't. You knew he wouldn't. You just had to find out what was wrong with him before whatever it was made this worse.

"So, another wanton whore has slithered her way into my bed. Why this time, I wonder? Why would you risk angering me, little whore? Surely you have heard the stories of what happens to those who seek my bed without permission..." his voice was a malicious purr as he considered you, his voice filled with contempt and barely controlled rage. "Is it the conquest of a prince? Of a god? Or is it ambition that brought you to my bed uninvited? Is it pity? Do you look to tame the monster? Or maybe foolish love; to try to thaw the ice of my heart?" you saw it then, in his eyes, saw the mask slip enough to see the truth. Your Loki wasn't there, not really. Loki wasn't seeing the present. He was caught in memories of pain. The old wounds had to be deep if he didn't know where he was or who he was with

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