Chapter 4

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  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lost control like that. My control is usually a lot better," you told him softly, embarrassed.

Gods, this was such an off day. It was true you shouldn't have lost control and shifted like that. Equally as concerning was that your wolf should not have been calmed by just a few kind words, especially from a relative stranger. Granted, your wolf was more reasonable than most, especially the alpha males who were just incorrigible, but she still should not have given up that easily. There were quite a few alpha wolves who couldn't get you to obey, they would have had no chance of performing the same feat Loki had just done.

Unless... unless... your wolf liked and trusted him, but that was impossible. You'd just met him for pete's sake. Wolves were finicky creatures. Bad Wolf. You thought firmly at her. Don't get attached to your new friend. I can't stay even if I wanted to. You'll probably never see him again after today.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the reminder that there were more strangers around, strangers your wolf hadn't met and didn't approve of yet. "Hey Reindeer Games, where are you hiding the wolf? Jarvis said he let you out of the cell!" Came Tony Stark's voice, sans the ironman suit this time.

Loki rolled his eyes, but turned to you. "Stay calm, little wolf, they won't hurt you," he reminded you softly. You nodded in reply, and bravely followed him back to the living room where all of the strangers were gathered. Somehow you even managed to keep your hands to yourself and not hold on to Loki for comfort. Wolves were very physical beings.

The Avengers were strangers in that you'd never officially met them, but you knew who they all were. Who hadn't seen the Avengers on TV? "You were looking for us, Stark?" Loki asked pleasantly, calmly, for your sake, not his own, you realized. He would have antagonized Stark, but he was doing his job of protecting you. "Thor? Why have you returned early?" Loki demanded, staring at his brother who was still decked out in armor, holding Mjolnir.

"Heimdall said I was needed here. He said you had been attacked by some kind of wolf creature," Thor explained, his voice booming, his tone concerned.

Loki rolled his eyes, but took a step closer to you defensively. It seemed to soothe your wolf when he did. Bad Wolf needed to not get attached to her new friend. "Heimdall was mistaken, Brother. I have been taking care of a charming, interesting lady who happens to be able to turn into a wolf," Loki replied pleasantly, but firmly. You sneezed your tiny adorable sneeze as Loki's casual use of magic tickled your nose. You saw that he had vanished the bandage on his hand, had used an illusion to hide the last of your teeth marks in his skin. He was going above and beyond to protect you.

"So, kid, you're the wolf?" Tony started conversationally, making your wolf bristle.

"I'm not a kid!" you snapped at him, fighting back your wolf's reaction. It was difficult, she remembered being carried downstairs by him and thrown in a cell. She didn't much appreciate the experience, and didn't much trust Tony. "I'm your intern. You should know that puts me in college," you continued less snapishly, but still grumpy.

"How about we start with your name?" Captain America asked kindly, gently, in a 'team mom' kind of tone. "And then you can tell us your story,"

"How about we all sit down, first?" Hawkeye asked, exasperated. Captain America agreed with that plan and was the one who led the way into the dining room. You were tempted to bolt right then, get out of here and go home, but you knew you couldn't. You were stuck here until you gave them some explanations.

You sighed heavily, resigned and made your way back to the dining room. The head of the table was the chair left open for you. Loki pulled the chair out for you and pushed it in as you sat, earning him confused looks from the others, especially Thor. Thor looked even more confused when Loki stood behind your chair instead of leaving or finding a seat. "What are you up to, brother?" Thor asked, concerned.

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