Chapter 31

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The sun was up when you woke.


The morning after the start of Winter's Moon?

You didn't sleep the first night of Winter's Moon. Not since you were a child. You curled in a ball and shook and cried and fought for control against the wolf all night. It was a hard, hard battle every year.

You opened your eyes quickly, scared of what could have happened to change the routine, and found yourself curled around your Loki. Of course, that's what had changed. And it was just like so many mornings that you woke up with him because you were an incorrigible cuddler...except for the distinct lack of clothing all around. You flushed as the events of the previous night finally came back to you. "Stop that," Loki scolded lightly, bopping your nose with a long finger. "No need for embarrassment or shame. We had an enjoyable evening, one that I would gladly repeat, and I am quite glad I got to share it with you, my darling." You relaxed at his open honest, his straightforwardness was reassuing.

You kissed him lightly. "I love you," you told him softly and laid your head on his chest for another minute until you realized that you really did need to get up. "As much as I love cuddles, I need a shower." You licked his nose as you climbed over him to get out of the bed.

"Annoying puppy," he grumbled, rubbing the wet spot on his nose indignantly. You were laughing as you slowly, sorely made your way to find your nice hot shower. He chuckled, knowing exactly why you were sore. You turned around and stuck your tongue out at him.

"Annoying god," you grumbled right back at him. He laughed harder.


The hot shower helped and you carefully dressed in a pair of flannel pajama pants and a soft black shirt that had originally been Loki's. A messy bun and fuzzy socks and you were comfortable to lounge around the tower for a lazy Sunday. Your clothing choice and disheveled hair were also carefully calculated to tell your boyfriend that you were very much not interested in partaking in more of last night's activity. At least not right now. Loki was smart enough to get the message and wouldn't press or pry. The hot shower hadn't removed the smell of Loki from your skin. That wasn't going away anytime soon. Jareth had been able to smell that you hadn't had sex with Loki yet. Well, he'd be able to tell now that you had, any wolf would...

Loki was waiting in the hall for you, leaning against the wall next to your bedroom door, his nose buried in a book as per usual. You smiled at how adorable he was. You also noted that he was freshly showered as well, wearing black lounge pants and a green shirt. He had his hair tied back, except for the lovelock which hung loose. He was dressed just as comfortably and casually as you were. He looked over at you and smiled warmly, snapping his book shut and vanishing it as he did. You stood up on your toes to give him a light kiss.

"So, what are we up to today, little wolf?" he asked, though he looked you over as if sensing the difference in you, but not quite being able to put his finger on what it was. You couldn't help him figure it out either.

"A nice lazy Sunday," you replied with a smile. "I was thinking Harry Potter movie marathon," you took his hand and started toward the elevator.

"Books, Harry Potter, tea, and my darling's company? Sounds like a wonderful Sunday indeed," he said warmly. He then looked down at your joined hands, concerned, then touched your forehead. "Are you alright? You're...cold,"

You laughed. "Compared to you? I'm not cold," you teased him. His hand was still cold compared to yours.

He frowned, obviously wanting a direct answer. "Very well, you're less warm than usual," he conceded.

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