Chapter 47

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You reclaimed your position standing at the head of the table. Confident, though your outfit currently consisted of sexy lingerie and Loki's cloak. Loki stood protectively behind you, a reassuring presence. He didn't know what you were going to say, but he would support your decisions.

You turned your attention to Samuel and Fenrir, though you addressed the room at large. "Though I killed Jareth, I have no intentions of taking over as Alpha myself," you heard the sighs of relief from the others. While it was your right to take over the pack, and could definitely do it with Loki at your side and defend your position, you had no intentions of living in this hell or staying here a moment longer than you had to. "Samuel, will you make the announcement that anyone wishing to be considered to be the new Alpha is to meet in the courtyard in an hour's time?" Samuel was technically in charge until the next Alpha was chosen. He had been sent here by Fenrir to watch over the pack while they decided if Jareth could be left in charge.

"I will. Rachel and I have been staying in the Alpha's house. You are welcome to make your preparations there," Samuel replied. He really meant 'please put on real clothes before your boyfriend kills us all for seeing a single centimeter more of your skin than he deems acceptable'

You nodded and took Loki's hand. "I will see you in an hour's time," you told the room. You turned, grabbed your combat boots from where they'd landed when you'd shifted forms.

"Are you sure I should not just kill them, darling?" Loki asked mournfully, reminding the group at large that you were protected very well from moronic overgrown dogs.

"I'm sure. The sooner I pick one of them, the sooner we can go home to our family," you replied and kissed his cheek.

"Your family is here bitch," the third snarled. You whirled to face him, to face his accusation. "You're the one who turned your back on us, on your duty to the pack. Now you come back here with this... false mate and claim rights to dictate our lives?" He was complaining you weren't married to Loki too, but that wasn't the part that pissed you off at the moment.

"I turned my back on you?" you snarled at him in indignation. "I didn't do my duty? You all have failed in your duty to those weaker than you. You have all failed as dominants. I left to escape blatant physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, which you all turned a blind eye to. My only crime to deserve that abuse, those correction as Ferris like to call them was not being able to give peace to the pack. You all know damn well that a tortured Omega has no peace to share and none of you did anything. I saved my life by leaving this hellhole and now you have the audacity to claim that I turned my back on you?" you growled.

He opened his mouth to speak again, his eyes narrowed in challenge, when you realized his fatal error, and fatal it would be. He had questioned your relationship with Loki. He didn't realize yet that he was a dead man. Loki turned calmly to you, tucked his cloak more firmly around you protectively and kissed your forehead. "One moment, my darling," he told you warmly, but too courteously, too pleasantly. Before you could do anything, Loki had moved from your side and was holding the wolf by the throat against the wall. He didn't even say anything to the terrified wolf, just killed him viciously, splattering his blood all over the walls. He dropped the body to the ground, disgusted.

"You had all been warned," he told the horrified wolves in the room as he returned to you and wrapped an arm around you, tucking you safely against his side. "Allow me to make the warning explicitly clear so no more mistakes are made. Y/N is mine. She is under my protection, under my care, and my love. Official marriage or no. She. Is. Mine," he growled the words at the wolves with such deep malice in his words that you'd never heard before. "I have the power and training to kill you all without breaking a sweat and you all, Samuel and Fenrir excluded obviously, deserve it for your crimes against my lady. The only reason any of you are still breathing is because she believes your actions were due to a corrupt leader and has too big of a heart. I do not and I shall not allow insults upon my lady to go unchallenged. Do I make myself clear?" he demanded of the room at large.

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