Chapter 32

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"Loki, can we go back upstairs now?" you asked softly, hiding your aching head against his chest and refusing to open your eyes. He kissed the top of your head.

"Of course, darling," you kept your eyes firmly closed and let him steer you back upstairs to your couch. You hadn't even noticed that he used magic to change both of your clothes back to the comfy lounge clothes you had picked out for your lazy Sunday. You growled when your phone started ringing from your pocket. You fished it out and answered without looking at it or the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Y/N, It's Samuel. I had to call and check to make sure you were safe today," his voice was short and no-nonsense.

"Yes, Samuel. I'm safe. Loki and I are spending the day in the heavily fortified Avenger's tower," you told him exasperated by everyone's constant concern, though you understood the reason behind it.

"And you trust them with your safety? They know what's going on today?" Samuel pressed. You finally figured that there was a more pressing issue here.

"Yes, they know and I trust them."

"I have pack business to take care of. Would Rachel be safe there too?" Samuel asked and you knew then how much he trusted you and the Avengers to even ask. He wouldn't be letting her out of his sight if he didn't trust her guardians.

"Of course she will. Do we need to come get her?"

"You're not going anywhere, you're in no shape," Loki told you firmly, nearly growling at the suggestion.

"No, I'll drive her over and pick her up later,"

"I don't need a babysitter!" Rachel's voice yelled from the background.

"We're about to start a Harry Potter marathon and drink tea in pajamas all day. I think there might be chocolate cake involved if we pester Loki enough. Tell her she's welcome to join us," you told Samuel. He relayed your message and Rachel finally agreed to come just to hang out with you. It saved face for her and let Samuel know she was somewhere safe. Everyone won.

"I'll call you when we get there and you can send Loki down to collect us. If I see you outside, I'll bite you myself," Samuel threatened loudly enough that Loki would be able to hear too. Loki chuckled.

"I'll see you soon," he said loudly enough that Samuel could hear him. You hung up then and finally risked opening your eyes so you could get the DVDs out while Loki summoned the tea and blankets and a selection of books. You also had Jarvis tell the rest of the team there'd be another wolf hiding out here soon. You had a nice comfy nest of couch cushions, blankets, and pillows built by the time that Samuel called you back.

"Loki will meet you downstairs in a minute," you greeted him. He laughed and hung up. You nodded to Loki and he went to go collect the wolves. You waited by the elevator for them to get up here. You hugged Rachel and Samuel when they got off the elevator. They both gave you a look and glanced at Loki. You flushed, and hoped they were nice enough to keep their mouths closed at what their noses smelled that you and Loki had done last night.

"Thanks for letting Rach hang out there," Samuel told you. "I wouldn't impose, but..."

"You don't trust Jareth and his wolves," you finished. He nodded.

"I won't leave her alone there with them and I have other pack business to work on,"

"Need help?" you asked automatically. He laughed.

"I need you two to help by staying out of danger. You'll keep them safe?" Samuel asked Loki.

Loki inclined his head regally. "I will,"

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