Chapter 51

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 So you finished your breakfast and Loki immediately vanished the dishes. "Impatient god," you teased. He smirked.

"High and mighty," he corrected, as that's what you usually called him when he was being obstinate. "Also impatient," he finally agreed as he stood and pulled you to your feet.

"You're bringing her back in time, right?" Tony asked. Loki inclined his head.

"In time for what?" you demanded, but Loki was already pulling you from the room. "In time for what?" you repeated firmly.

"You'll see," was all Loki would tell you. You huffed and rolled your eyes, but his excitement was infectious and he was acting almost puppy-like. It was adorable. Soon you were in the car with him and he was driving you...somewhere. He still wouldn't say where.

You felt the puppy-like joy when he pulled into the parking lot of the amusement park. "I haven't been here since I was a puppy. They used to take the good puppies here once a year," you explained as your eyes lit up at the memory. You hadn't been in years, since you'd stopped being 'good' enough for the yearly escape from the compound. How'd you know?" you asked Loki as you bounced out of the car without waiting for him to open the door.

"Dan suggested it might cheer you up," Loki admitted as he came around the car and grabbed your hand before you could bound off without him.

"Well maybe he can do things that aren't moronic occasionally," you commented.

Loki chuckled. "You did make him Alpha for a reason," he reminded you and kissed one of your wolf-ears. "Even Thor has moments where he does things that are not moronic,"

You laughed at that, but got nervous when he had kissed your wolf ear. "I should probably..." you gestured to the ears, not wanting to upset the humans.

"Nonsense. The mortals will know who we are anyway," Loki told you. That was true, you were always identified anytime you went out. Your work with the team and your relationship with Loki made you famous and somehow even in normal casual clothes you always got noticed. He was right, it wouldn't make the recognition any worse if your wolf ears were out, and it would make the wolf happy. Loki walked up to the ticket counter and showed them something on his phone, which led to you having super shiny VIP passes.

"How'd you manage this?" you asked, staring at the bright gold VIP pass.

"Stark," was Loki's simple reply. You nodded. That was a very valid answer. Tony probably could have bought out the park if he'd wanted to.

You entered the park and Loki had to grab your hand to keep you from running off without him. "C'mon!" you told him with glee. He laughed.

"Darling, we have VIP passes and get to skip the lines. There's no reason to run, little wolf," he teased. People were beginning to notice you and pictures were being taken of the god and his whirlwind of an Omega. Loki relented and let himself be led quickly to your favorite ride at the very back of the park. You tied your hair up as you walked, then handed a hairtie to Loki. He raised an eyebrow, he rarely wore his hair tied back.

"Trust me," you told him. He sighed and glared at the hairtie. You laughed and stood up on a nearby bench. You ran your fingers through his hair and listened to him melt over it while you deftly tied his hair back for him. "Trust me, you don't want your hair loose today. It'll just end up a tangled mess." You kissed him while you were taller than him and hopped down from the bench. "You've never been to an amusement park, have you?" you asked. He shook his head in reply. "Oh, this'll be such fun," you teased and took his hand again to drag him toward the giant coaster at the back of the park.

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