Chapter 73

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You stood protectively over Loki while the battle raged around you. It wasn't much of a battle to be honest. A bunch of Midgardians, even trained Midgardians with guns, were no match for the god of thunder and the goddess of badass magic.

Ok, Frigga was really the goddess of family, marriage, and love.

That didn't make your description of goddess of badass magic any less fitting, especially when you saw her properly in action.

The pair of them took out the scientists in moments while you stood over Loki, growling at anyone who came near. Loki was pretty well down for the count, dazed from getting hit so hard with Mjolnir and whimpering softly from the mind control and the horror of what he'd almost done to his mama.

So you stood over him and protected him while his mother and brother fought your captors.

The Hydra agents thankfully didn't know that you couldn't risk biting and turning them. If you fought them, you'd have to kill them. They seemed to know that on instinct and chose to attack the less obvious Mama Frigga.

And quickly died when she stabbed them.

You saw quickly where Loki got his fighting skills from.

He and Frigga moved identically when they fought, all speed, fluid motions, daggers, and of course epic magic. You hadn't expected viciousness from the gentle caring healer, but you saw it in her today. You prayed to never have to see her in such a situation again.

You thought that she and Thor were going to have to fight all of the Hydra agents alone. You were too busy defending Loki and the team hadn't arrived yet. There were so many agents and you fretted over the gods.

You really shouldn't have bothered fretting.

Thor and Frigga both smirked as they sensed something you couldn't, though the fur along your spine stood on end at whatever it was. Loki whined softly, his fur on end as well. He knew what this was too, it seemed. Frigga ran over to you and knelt beside her son while Thor rushed over, standing in front of the pair of you protectively. It had all happened in a moment and the agents were staring confused at the sudden change.

Some of them thought that meant that the tide had turned.

That they were winning.

Oh, how very wrong they were.

The next moment there was a sound almost like a repulsor firing up. Then an exploding noise of the building breaking as the rainbow lights of the Bifrost opened in front of you. It crashed right through the Hydra compound and an army of Einherjar with Odin at the lead on Sleipnir, his eight-legged steed, came through the Bifrost.

The portal to Asgard snapped shut and Odin barked orders to the Einherjar and Thor's stupid friends. They had come as well, it seemed. You breathed a sigh of relief.

You were saved with the addition of the reinforcements from Asgard.

You didn't even have to question how they'd known where you were or to come save you. Heimdall could see everything in the nine realms. You were actually more surprised that he hadn't summoned help the second Frigga was abducted. It couldn't have taken that long to get the troops to the Bifrost to come save the queen.

Unless Hydra had hidden them from Heimdall somehow.

You glanced at Loki.

Of course, they had used Loki's magic to hide them from Heimdall and the might of Asgard.

Well, that was over now. The agents would be dead in moments for daring to harm the queen.


Harm the queen.

Fuck fuck fuck.

Odin could not find out that Loki had nearly turned Frigga. Even under mind control. Odin never believed mind control as a valid excuse. He hadn't when Loki had been forced to attack New York. He wouldn't now. Even though it was the same people, even though Loki had been serving penance.

He would never believe the mind control.

He wouldn't even believe that Loki would never dare harm his own mother. His precious mama who he loved even more than you.

You gave Frigga a look and begged her to understand. Begged her to keep Loki's secret. Odin couldn't find out.

Frigga gave you the barest incline of her head. She would never betray her son, especially when this wasn't his fault.

Lady Sif rushed over. "Allmother, this way," she said and took Frigga's arm to escort her back to where the Bifrost had opened.

Thor hefted Loki over his shoulder with a threat not to bite him and gestured to you. "Come along, Lady Wolf. We're getting out of here," he told you. Loki snarled weakly, but didn't bite his brother. He didn't want to turn Thor, or he'd have been tempted. You followed them to the bifrost while Odin and his troops took out the agents.

Thor called to Heimdall and you saw Odin blasting an agent with a blast from his staff from horseback as the bifrost opened around you. You were off to safety.

This horror was over.  

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