Chapter 81

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As soon as the sun ceremony was over, the pack scattered to go rest until the sun set. "There's a spare room in the house you two can rest in," Dan offered you when you realized that you hadn't thought about where you were going to rest until sunset.

You gave him a grateful smile as you saw some of the other wolves leading your mother away back into the compound proper and your old apartment there. Apparently, she hadn't moved out unlike quite a lot of the other wolves. Most of them were living in houses within the compound's walls instead of in the compound itself like they used to have to. You didn't know if she'd chosen to stay in her apartment, or if Dan had ordered it.

You also didn't much care. You'd only been a pawn to her your entire life and you were free of her the day you left the compound for college. You weren't coming back to her. You owed her nothing, especially when she tried to pimp out her own daughter to get power.

You shook those thoughts from your head. You didn't need them on your mating day. Today was about you and Loki celebrating your love and marking each other for eternity. It really would be eternity, too, as werewolves didn't age and didn't die unless someone went out of their way to kill them. You weren't entirely sure that Loki had gotten that trait as well and you wouldn't find out for centuries yet due to how his people aged, but he'd gotten enough of the rest of the werewolf traits that it was highly likely.

You took Loki's hand and followed Dan and Ethan back into the house. Selena was shy around Loki. He was a strange alpha in her home, so you both understood it. She relaxed a little when she saw Loki's mating mark. Loki was a mated wolf. He was safe to be around. There would always be that hesitation when Loki met new omegas. He was too strong of an alpha for there not to be an equally strong reaction from the omegas. Hell, all the werewolves would have a strong reaction to him. Omegas would have that hesitation. Alphas would evaluate their own power levels against his and submissives would instinctively yield to him without question.

Loki gave her a gentle smile. "Lady Omega," he greeted her politely, well aware that he was in her home and in her space. He knew how omegas could be treated by the wolves and knew you had escaped abuse and so had Sarai. He was also perfectly polite as he was a prince.

She relaxed more at the courtesy of the alpha and gave him a warm smile. "The guest room is upstairs. I'll show you the way," she offered. You and Loki both nodded and thanked her, wanting to get off of your feet and rest until sunset. Even Frigga's potion only helped so much on the day of the full moon. She led you upstairs, clearly she was only going on the adrenaline of a mating ceremony. Most of the wolves were down for the count on the day of the full moon, and only weren't today because of stubbornness for your mating ceremony. She showed you to the guest room then went to lie down with her daughter until sunset.

As soon as you and Loki were alone, you stripped off your dress, let him summon you something to sleep in, and cuddled up with him to rest until the sun went down.


Loki shook you awake right before sunset. "Time to get up, little wolf. The pack is waiting for us," Loki told you warmly as you cracked your eyes open and looked up at him. He stroked your hair back away from your face, his emerald eyes full of love, though you saw the amber creeping into his gaze. His wolf was calling to him, just as yours was calling to you.

It was nearly time.

Loki didn't usually have to shift at the full moon. Either his age or his power, or heritage meant he was immune from the moon's pull. He'd learn to start shifting at least on the full moon for you. It was different to use werewolf shifting than his shapeshifting magic.

Tonight, he would have to shift for real.

You smiled up at him and leaned up to kiss him softly. "Ready for this?" You asked him warmly.

"Definitely, my love," he purred.

You climbed out of bed and donned robes to head out of the house in. You weren't wearing anything under said robes and you'd definitely appreciated the view of your mate as he undressed and donned said robe. You'd gotten the full view, and he, like both of your wolves, was very glad to see you, and highly anticipating this evening's activities.

You enjoyed a few stolen kisses, which only made him grow harder and he growled something about walking and shifting painfully with a boner. Luckily, it was growled too low for you to truly catch what he said. You laughed anyway at the sentiment.

"Soon, alpha," you purred to reassure him and soothe his wolf.

Loki stole another kiss before he took your hand and you headed out of the house together. The wolves were gathering in the middle of the open area in the middle of the compound, basically right outside the alpha's house. Most of them weren't wearing any clothes as they were going to shift in a couple of minutes. Besides, wolves had no issues with casual nudity, with the nudity associated with shifting, especially on the full moon. You and Loki were the oddities with your robes, but Loki wasn't comfortable with casual nudity.

Fenrir greeted you again as you joined the other wolves. "The moon goddess will witness your union under her light," he told you as the last rays of the sun were disappearing. He turned to the crowd "Have a good hunt!" He called.

He was met with howls coming from human throats, yours included before the shift overtook you and you were forced into wolf form. Your body rearranged itself, shifting bones, teeth, fur, vision, everything. When you had shifted, you howled to the moon again, as each wolf did as their shift completed.

Loki stood next to you as his shift ended, a beautiful black wolf. He howled, then nuzzled you, purring softly with his wolf's need.

Yes, the moon goddess was going to see your union tonight, and bless your mating.

Fenrir howled again when all of the wolves had shifted. You took your cue and nipped at Loki's tail. Barking your laughter, the pair of you led the pack into the woods, running and chasing and playing under the light of the full moon. Slowly wolves scattered from the group, out into the woods to hunt or play. Eventually, you and Loki were alone. You chased each other for awhile longer, just enjoying the playing and evening.

Then the need grew too great. With fresh mating marks, you needed to consummate your mating under the light of the full moon to solidify the bond. So when Loki came over to you in the clearing, you didn't jump away to play, you held your ground and nuzzled him, inviting him for a different kind of play.

Instinct drove the mating, the wolves taking control, and as you both found your pleasure, you felt the mating bond settle into place.

Nothing would break it now.  

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