Chapter 64

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Even after you reappeared, you just stared ahead of you in shock. Why did the people hate you? You'd lived in the tower for a year? Was it a year? It was hard to keep track with everything that had gone on. It seemed so long ago when you'd saved Pepper's life as a lowly intern. You'd done nothing but help the team ever since. You became an Avenger. You helped people. All you wanted was to bring happiness and calm to those around you.

That and marry Loki.

But that was neither here nor there.

Loki's arms wrapped around you and he held you to him as he stroked your hair, trying to keep you calm. No one wanted you crying. Omega tears would have the entire tower up in arms. And Loki would be first among them. Loki was already practically up in arms and only keeping a rein on his temper in order to keep you from sobbing your eyes out.

Omega tears were a very powerful weapon.

Loki looked over your head at the others gathered in the common room. "What the Hel happened? Why are there protesters and signs over our Omega?" he snarled at them as if it were their fault that there were protesters.

"It wasn't us, Loki," Clint said quickly, holding his hands up placatingly.

"Kid, you might want to call that Alpha of yours. This was his doing," Stark added when you turned to look at them. The team was looking nervous of Loki's temper and reaction. Loki's arms remained wrapped around you as you turned to look at the others.

"What's going on?" you asked the team softly. They would answer you and give you straight answers. You stepped properly into the room and took your spot on your usual couch. Loki came with you as you did and you curled up next to him on the couch while he pet your hair to keep you both calm. Thor finally made it into the common room.

"What is happening?" he asked as he took his own usual seat.

Nat sighed, but finally spoke up. She wasn't one for long explanations usually, but she was also always calm and collected and Loki liked her, so she was one of the best to make the explanation "Shortly after you three went to Asgard, Fenrir had to announce the werewolves to the world," you nodded along, Fenrir had been saying he was going to make the announcement before the wolves couldn't hide anymore. With modern technology, recording equipment, and DNA testing, it was only a matter of time before the general population knew that werewolves were real. You knew he had been planning it, but hadn't realized he was going through with it so soon.

"What happened? You said 'had to'," Loki pointed out. Loki was a stickler for word choice and meanings.

Nat nodded. "One of the werewolves was outed when he shifted forms to save a group of school kids from a shooter. He took the bullets himself, much as you had to save Pepper. Fenrir thought it was a good PR story and told the man to come out of the closet as it were," Nat explained. "He also outed you and a group of select others, military, police, those kinds of people," you kept nodding along. You understood and had an idea where this story was going.

"Did the people just not accept it?" you asked her softly, tears coming to your eyes and Loki's arm tightened around you.

Cap nodded. "We're sorry, kid. Fenrir and the other wolves are dealing with the fallout. The press grasped onto the word werewolf and it hasn't blown over yet. The people will get used to the idea in time," he reassured you.

You weren't reassured. People were stupid after all.

"What all has been said?" you asked them.

"Fenrir has only revealed that werewolves exist and you have to change at the full moon. The government hasn't decided what to do yet, they're in talks with Fenrir and the other leaders. Fury's helping with Shield's contacts," Nat replied quickly.

"Why do they hate us?" you couldn't keep the words from falling out of your mouth or the tears from spilling from your eyes. The werewolves who had been outed were all just helping people. They were heroes. You were arguably a hero. You lived and worked with superheroes on a daily basis. You helped people.

Why did they hate you?

"They simply do not understand, dearheart," Loki told you gently and kissed the top of your head. "They do not know how wonderful an Omega is, or how kindhearted you are. They know nothing of your people except what those movies show. You are strong and brave and the kindest, sweetest soul I have met in all the nine realms. And I will be more than overjoyed to call you my wife one day," he told you and kissed the top of your head again.

You relaxed in his arms. With Loki at your side, surely everything would be alright.

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