Chapter 19

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Your first mission with the team came a couple of weeks later. You were partnered with Loki for it. Cap said it was because your powers were complimentary, though you had a feeling that it was because he knew Loki would keep you safe no matter what happened. You didn't mind getting to spend time with Loki regardless.

"Stop bouncing, puppy, this is a job," Loki reminded you patiently as you sipped on coffee at the cafe you two were sitting at as your part of the surveillance. You had your hair tied up and hidden under a hat. Loki had toned down his appearance too, trying to blend in today. There was also a glimmer of illusion around him, not enough to make him look like someone else, but enough that people wouldn't look too closely and see that he wasn't ordinary.

"I've got eyes on Vincent," Cap announced over the comms. "He's heading into the cofeeshop." You turned slowly and saw the man enter the room, a thin guy wearing an expensive suit with a muscular thug with him. The one in the suit was Vincent, the Hydra agent Cap was after. You scented the air and got the man's scent. You'd be able to track him when he left the coffee shop, which was the plan. The pair got their coffee and left.

You and Loki stood shortly after they did and strolled carefully, casually after them. The others were trailing them too, but Cap had wanted you to get the agent's scent in case you needed to pick up the trail again. You ended up at a nearby warehouse. "Go in carefully," Cap's voice ordered. "We're right behind you. Be careful, but don't lose them,"

Loki teleported the two of you to the roof of the building. He'd also used magic to he was in his battle armor instead of the jeans of his disguise. You slipped into the building through the door to the roof and made your way carefully down a flight of stairs until you got to the big open room of the warehouse on the walkway overlooking the main floor of operations.

The scent hit you as soon as you entered the main room. "Shit," you muttered softly and took a step back, getting out of sight and scent range.

"What is it?" Cap and Loki asked at the same time.

"They've got at least one werewolf working for them. Maybe two, though I didn't get a good enough scent," you told them. "And he's here,"

"Are you ok for this mission?" Cap asked.

You steeled your spine and nodded, though Cap couldn't see you. "I'm the best one to take on the wolves," you looked at Loki "but not like this. I'm going to have to change forms. You guys all know what I look like as a wolf, right? Please don't shoot me," you added with a smirk in your voice. You sighed and mock-pouted at Loki. "I was hoping to go at least one mission without ending up naked on it," you whined at him. Nat laughed in your ear. Less than a minute later you were a wolf, walking into the main room on the main floor of the warehouse with Loki invisible at your side. You'd bet that the goons downstairs probably couldn't tell one wolf from another. It was a safe bet, though Loki insisted on staying close in case your bet didn't pay off.

"Damn, looks like Vincent got another wolf to work for him," someone commented when they saw you. "Though this one's runty compared to the others." You growled at him, displaying your impressive teeth. "No offense meant, sir," the man told you quickly, dropping his eyes like you were a dominant wolf. "Open the door!" he called to someone on the far wall.

"They're meeting downstairs," the man told you. You bobbed your head in a nod and headed for the door that was open now. Loki kept the lock from reengaging on the door when you'd slipped through. You followed Vincent's scent down the stairs.

"The others are inside as well and heading down to join us through other warehouses," Loki whispered from next to you. You'd had to give up your comm when you'd shifted. You nodded to let him know you'd heard him.

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