Chapter 46

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Loki gave you a stubborn look and planted himself firmly between you and the door, obviously preparing himself for an argument. You stepped up to him, dressed and ready for this visit home. "Put on your armor and let's go," you told him firmly. His expression changed from stubborn and confrontational to surprised.

"You are not going to try to argue that I should stay behind?" he didn't believe you, but his armor shimmered into place. He was coming with you whether you wanted him to or not. That's what had caused his stubborn look in the first place.

"I was counting on you coming with me," you replied instead. You really had been counting on his presence. He looked relieved at that. "If you're not going, I can face them alone," you amended quickly. It really wasn't fair to get him involved in werewolf politics, at least not until he had to be.

"Over my dead body," he replied sourly. You smiled at him and put your car keys in your pocket.

"Ready, then?' you asked.

"Are you?" his tone and expression were both concerned. He knew how long it had been since you'd been home.

You sighed heavily. "As ready as I'll ever be," you took his hand to walk with him to the garage. Your grip was too tight out of nerves, but he didn't complain.

"Darling, I can teleport us there..." he offered, making the comment in regards to your nerves.

"They'd kill us on sight. We have to drive," you told him and headed for the driver's side of your usual car. Loki's hand was around your arm an instant later.

"Let me," he said and held out his other hand for your keys. You shook your head, tightening your grip on your keys. "You're a mess of nerves, little wolf..."

"I have to do this, Loki," you told him firmly. He hesitated, but saw your resolve.

"Very well, but kindly do not crash the car. It is bothersome..." he would only be bruised at best in a car crash.

You leaned up to kiss his cheek. "I won't," you promised. "Thanks for understanding." He kissed you and still insisted on opening your car door for you. You drove in silence most of the way. You couldn't believe you were going back after four years.

You turned off the main road onto the gravel path and your hands tightened on the steering wheel. Though you hadn't left the compound before you turned 18, you knew this path, these woods extremely well. It was home and you dreaded being back here. "Are you alright, love?" Loki asked when he saw your grip tighten, your expression hardened. Overprotective boyfriend was paying especially close attention to your emotions.

"It's been four years... I just never thought I'd be back here..." you told him as you pulled up to the security gate. You rolled down the window to face the guard.

"What business do you have here?" he demanded automatically. He didn't recognize the car since it was one of Tony's. "Y/N!? You're back!" he exclaimed when he finally realized who you were. "Who's that?" he growled at Loki, who growled right back. You rolled your eyes at the display of testosterone. You really were home...

"Jack, I'm here on pack business," you told the guard firmly, drawing his attention back to you. "This is my mate, Loki of Asgard." Jack glared, but finally nodded and stepped back from the car.

"I'm sure you know where you're going. Welcome home, Omega," he told you and opened the gate. You rolled up your window and drove through. You headed down the long drive, around a bend, and fought back tears when you saw the compound. Not tears of joy at being home. Not relief. Not fondness or happy memories.

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