Chapter 23

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 "This is not proper first date etiquette, your highness," you murmured as you moved over in your bed to make room for the Loki who was joining you.

He paused. "Does that mean my presence is unwelcome, incorrigible cuddler?" he teased. While his words were teasing, you knew that the question was legitimate and he wouldn't join you if he were truly unwelcome.

You pulled the blankets back in invitation. "Get in before you let all of the warm out. And you better be wearing pants," you replied, not bothering to open your eyes or turn to face him. He chuckled and joined you. You cuddled up next to him, enjoying the simple pleasure of falling asleep with a heartbeat next to yours and knowing your Loki was safe and happy in your arms.


The next week flew by. Every moment was filled with work, missions with the team, entertaining a Loki, lots of kisses with said Loki, and lessons. Lots and lots of lessons. Stark Industries was having a Christmas party that Saturday and you had to prepare for it. Formal gatherings weren't exactly your forte, having grown up in the woods. Half the time it was a miracle you could function any better than the Asgardians in human society.

So you spent a lot of time working with Nat (and surprisingly Loki) perfecting how to walk in heels and deal with stupid floor length dresses. You also had to learn how to dance, the only thing going for you on that front was the grace of the wolf, or else you'd be tripping over your feet as well as the heels and the long dress.

"How on earth do you know how to dance in heels?" you grumbled at Loki when he was helping you one afternoon, wearing heels with way more grace than you'd ever managed.

"Practice, darling," he replied with a mischievous secretive smirk and guided you again through the steps. He did take pity on you and danced with you as the male lead instead of guiding you. That was way more enjoyable. He was an excellent lead and you felt far less stupid dancing with him than trying the steps on your own.

You also learned how to hide weapons in women's formal wear. The men were all even more impressed with and terrified of Nat when they saw how many weapons she could hide under a slinky dress. You also practiced fighting in the dress. Nat taught you a whole bunch of other things she thought were useful.


Stark Industries was closed the day of the Christmas party so every employee could attend. Since you didn't have to work (and still got paid for it!) you could enjoy a nice leisurely Saturday of attacking all of your housemates with Nerf guns. This extremely leisurely activity somehow ended up with everyone outside in a huge snowball war. No one quite knew how that happened.

Everyone laughed while looking equally impressed and terrified when you landed a snowball right in the middle of Loki's face. He growled as the snow made his face turn the blue of his Jotun form and whirled on you. You eeped and ran when he started forward in retaliation. The chase was on. You were fast, but so was he. You ducked and dodged between the other combatants, but he was gaining on you. In a move you wouldn't have been able to do a couple of months ago, you change from human to wolf between one stride and the next and took off with your much longer stride, kicking up snow into everyone's faces.

"Cheating puppy," Loki snarled. You turned at the last moment and ran straight for him, getting back to full speed in a moment, barreling into him, knocking his legs out from under him, dumping him in a snowbank. You barked in wolfish laughter as he sputtered and snarled, completely blue now, the snow forcing his Jotun form. "I am so going to get you for this," he snarled, but had laughter in his voice.

You barked in laughter again, but it was cut short with a yelp of surprise and a touch of fear when Loki's black wolf leapt out of the snowbank. It wasn't the real fear of actual danger, but the fun fear like of a haunted house where you knew you weren't really going to be hurt.

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