Chapter 28

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Things went back to normal after that, or as normal as things were around the Avenger's tower. You went back to work, happy in your new role as Pepper's assistant. The worst you'd had to save her from was a pickpocket. He gave up quickly when you grabbed him and threw him ten feet straight into the air. You caught him and Happy and the security people held him until the police could collect him and you and Pepper continued on your way to get coffee.

You were called out on a mission with the entire team about a week and a half after you got back from the meeting with Fenrir. "There's a whole group of robots attacking downtown," Cap explained as the team assembled. "Jarvis, find out who or what is controlling them," you heard Cap's voice over the comm device in your ear.

"We're going to need the wolf for this," you told Loki. He was driving the SUV the two of you were in. He'd picked you up from work when the call came in, teleporting into the office. By the time you'd run outside with him, the SUV was waiting out front.

"Sounds like it," he agreed. This is why he hadn't teleported the two of you directly into the battle. You kicked your shoes off and climbed carefully to the backseat. You hated buying new clothes all the time because yours got ruined when you changed to wolf, so you stripped and changed to wolf in the SUV with it's blacked out windows and a boyfriend who was very carefully watching the road. You scrambled back to the passenger's seat when you were wolf, Loki reached over and scratched behind your ears. "We're almost there," he told you. It was less than a minute later that he stopped behind the other SHIELD SUVs. He got out of the SUV and you followed him, bouncing across the seats and out the door he held open. "Stay safe, little wolf," he told you as his battle armor shimmered into place. "I shall be quite cross with you if you are injured," his voice was light and teasing, but you heard the concern in his voice. You licked his hand reassuringly and headed off into the battle.

Tony was keeping the robots in the area that had been cleared out for the battle. Hawkeye was picking off stragglers. You ran in and grabbed one of the robots, throwing it to the ground and pinning it there until a bolt of magic shot through its head and destroyed it. The damn things were fast, but so were you. They also didn't take well to having a hundred pound angry wolf on their backs and were pretty easily thrown once you got a grip on them. The others could kill them pretty easily once you had them pinned.

You pinned one and Tony shot it with a repulsor, blowing its head off. You sniffed the air and grabbed his booted ankle with a snarl, pulling him to the ground. "Bad wolf!" he yelled over the comm device. He and Bruce had come up with one that wrapped around your ear so it stayed on no matter what form you were in. "The bad robots are over there, put me down." You growled again and pinned him, even in his suit and shifted back to human while you were on his back. The second you were human again you grabbed a silver metal spider off of his back and squashed it.

"They almost turned you into a bad robot. Stay away from them," you told him firmly.

"Thanks. Better put your fur back on," Tony said when you let him up. He rushed back into the battle, pointedly not looking at you before your boyfriend killed him for looking.

You looked down at your outfit. Loki was getting closer to fixing the clothes issue, but wasn't quite there yet. He'd worked a tricky little piece of magic and attached it as a charm on your charm bracelet, which was equally impressive. At least you got some clothes when you shifted back to human now. Unfortunately, the spell was only up to creating undergarments, and worse, you never knew what it was going to conjure. This time it was a black lacy pushup bra and matching panties. You sighed in exasperation at your silly love who insisted you needed to look nice and have nice things. You would've been happier with pants than fancy undergarments. Still, it was better than being completely nude, so you didn't complain. Much.

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