Chapter 74

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Your group stumbled into the Bifrost chamber and Heimdall actually moved from his post the second the Bifrost was closed in order to rush over to check on his queen. He never left his post, at least that's what you'd heard about him, but he rushed away for his beloved queen. Frigga was loved by all of Asgard. They cared for their gentle healer.

Heimdall also knew that the princes were trained warriors and could take care of themselves. They would call for healers if they needed them, or suck it up and deal with pain or injury until they found healers. Mama Frigga wasn't a trained warrior, besides what was required for all Asgardians to know. "Allmother? Are you injured?" Heimdall asked her in his deep booming voice, clearly concerned over her and checking her over for injuries.

Frigga gave Heimdall a warm, reassuring smile. "I'm just fine, Heimdall. Thank you for your concern," she told him gently.

Heimdall relaxed and moved to return to his post when he was sure you were all safe. Though he was concerned at Loki in wolf form draped over Thor's shoulder. Loki was still growling at the indignation, but didn't fight for fear of hurting or turning Thor.

Thor nodded to Heimdall. "We'll be heading straight to the healing wing, just to have everyone looked over," he reassured the man who was gatekeeper and his friend.

Heimdall nodded and you swore you saw relief on his passive face. "Very good, highness. A skyboat is waiting for you," he told your group, though didn't take his gaze off of the night sky he was looking out onto. You knew from Loki's stories that he was keeping watch over the nine realms and looking for trouble or danger.

Right now, he was probably watching the rest of the fight on Midgard, watching over his king and the Einherjar.

You followed Frigga and Sif out of the Bifrost chamber. Sif wasn't letting the Allmother out of her sight and protection. You had the feeling that Odin had given her the order to save Frigga at all costs. She wouldn't shirk in her duty, or consider it over until Frigga was safely back in the palace.

Thor walked next to you, with Loki still over his shoulder. He probably would have thrown you over his shoulder too, but it would've been awkward to carry two wolves that way. You were steady on your feet and more used to being a wolf. Loki shapeshifted into a wolf on occasion, but this was the first time he had become a real wolf. There was a subtle difference and you weren't quite sure he realized what it was yet.

You'd have to tell him soon.

But not quite yet.

Right now, you had to get back to the palace, had to make sure everyone was ok. Sif climbed into the skyboat and she helped Frigga in. Thor placed Loki into the skyboat then turned to you. "Come along, Lady Wolf," he told you warmly. You sighed, knowing he would have to lift you into the boat, you couldn't jump that high. You went to him and let him lift you gently into the boat before he climbed in after you.

Sif drove the boat back to the palace and you cuddled next to Loki the entire way there. Loki kept licking your fur and nuzzling closer and closer with soft whines. He needed the reassurance of your omega presence. So you nuzzled him and purred softly, giving him reassuring licks. He slowly relaxed under your ministrations and was purring softly by the time the boat stopped in front of the palace.

You were able to hop out of the skyboat on your own and Loki followed right after you. As promised, you all made your way up to the healing wing to be looked over. Frigga submitted to letting the other healers look her over, though she hadn't been harmed.

You saw Loki try to turn back to his Asgardian shape and saw the moment when he realized that he couldn't. You cursed softly to yourself. You'd hoped you would have a little more time to get him alone and explain things to him.

You yipped softly to get his attention and found an empty private room for the pair of you to slip into. Loki whined again, frustrated and confused. You sang a soft soothing song in wolf to him, letting your omega powers of calm flow through the notes. Loki calmed after a moment of your song and you were able to stop. You closed your eyes and shifted back to human.

"Trickster bless it," you snarled your new favorite curse when you realized that Loki's bracelet was still gone. Without the bracelet you didn't have the spell to give you clothes. Unlike your engagement ring, it hadn't been spelled so you were the only one who could take it off. Which is why all you were wearing was your engagement ring.

You sighed heavily. It wasn't like Loki hadn't seen the show before. You just weren't expecting to be naked right that second. You took a seat on the bed in the private room while Loki snarled softly and closed the door with his nose. He wouldn't have anyone else see you naked but himself. He then summoned you clothes and gave you an expectant look once you'd dressed in the simple tunic and leggings. He clearly wasn't up to full strength if he didn't summon the clothes on you and if he was summoning something so simple.

"You can't turn back to your Asgardian form," you translated his concern. He whined loudly and nodded his head enthusiastically. That was exactly his problem. "That's because you're trying to shapeshift back to Asgardian instead of turning back Asgardian." Loki growled softly and tilted his head in confusion. You held up a placating hand. "You're used to using magic to change forms into whatever creature you want to be. Except this time you didn't use magic to change, you used werewolf powers to change. It's a completely different process. Therefore you can't use magic to turn back, you have to use werewolf powers," you explained.

Loki tilted his head with a soft whine. He was listening, though confused how to go about it. "It's easy. Your body knows what to do, you just have to help it along," you reassured him. "Take a deep breath and close your eyes." He obeyed immediately. "Now imagine your Asgardian body, start with your toes, how they look, how it feels to wiggle them, then your feet, imagine your ankles, your legs, your amazing ass,"

He snorted a wolf-laugh at that, but you saw the fur starting to recede as he did what you said.

"Will yourself to look like that again," you told him gently. "It will hurt and it will take time, but be patient and let your body do what it needs to,"

You sang softly to him while his body writhed and changed, as his bones rearranged and he cried out in pain as the wolf form slowly melted back into the man you knew and loved.

He was on all fours panting heavily when the change was complete, whimpering in pain, unable to move yet, and completely naked. You moved to him and knelt beside him, draping the blanket from the bed over him.

"Very well done, love," you praised and kissed him as gently as possible so you wouldn't hurt him. He relaxed a little at the praise and the pride in your voice.

"I do not envy you always changing that way," he panted as he fought through the residual pain.

"It gets easier with practice," you reassured him warmly and kissed him again to distract him from the pain.

Surprisingly, kisses seemed to work particularly well to distract him. Who'd have thought?

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