Chapter 50

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You made your way to your room and grabbed your phone off the charger. You dropped the blanket that was wrapped around you on the bed and glanced at your outfit, which was a slip. Loki's spell was improving. A slip was almost pajamas. Almost.

You dialed Fenrir's number and started pacing the room. You had to do this duty to the pack before you could wallow in the wolf's sorrow. "How did it go last night?" Fenrir asked by way of greeting.

"Loki didn't turn. He's immune," you told him while trying to keep your voice from betraying your emotions.

"I doubt he's truly immune, but we can find out the extent later. Are you alright, Daughter? You sound... Were you hoping he would turn?" he asked gently. There was no fooling him about your emotions.

"No, of course not, because he didn't choose to..." you told him quickly. Loki hadn't chosen to be infected, so of course it was great that he hadn't turned, but...

"But-?" he prompted astutely. Of course he was astute. He was ancient.

"Would it really have been so awful?" you asked him with tears in your voice and eyes. "Everone is so relieved that he didn't. Is what we are really so monsterous?"

"You know it's not. It is as you said: they are relieved your mate did not turn becuase he did not choose to make the attempt. They love you little Omega," he tried to reassure you, but you weren't convinced. He hadn't seen the open relief in their eyes.

"Thank you grandfather. Is Samuel there with you, or do I need to call him separately?"

"I will inform Samuel." With that done, you said your goodbyes and ended the call.

You plopped down on your bed, intending to lie down and at least get a nap in. Instead you sat staring unblinkingly at the phone in your hands, your eyes unfocused as tear after tear fell into your lap. You didn't mean for to cry, didn't call the tears up, but you couldn't banish them either as your heart and the wolf's dripped bruised tears.

You didn't registered your bedroom door opening until Loki was standing in front of you. "Oh darling, darling no," he said softly, sadly when he saw your tears. You looked up at him and saw his heart break even more at your tears, your pain. You didn't know how, but an instant later he was sitting propped against the pillows against your headboard, you were curled in his lap, wrapped in the blanket again, held safely in the circle of his arms. Your arms wrapped around his waist and you sobbed your broken heart out while he held you and whispered soothing words and noises.

"They think I'm a monster," you told him between sobs. "T-they're so relieved you didn't end up like me!" you wailed pathetically.

"No, sweetheart, not at all," he soothed, holding you tightly in his arms. "They love you, darling," he told you gently and kissed your forehead.


"They thought I the monster, dearest, especially without your influence. They are relieved that I am not stronger than I already was. That's all," he told you gently, not sounding at all upset or surprised that they thought him a monster. You opened your mouth to protest that he wasn't a monster either. "They adore you, and I love every last inch of you, my little wolf," he tilted your head up, his fingers under your chin and kissed you lightly. "I love your infectious joy," a soft kiss, his lips just brushing yours, "I love your strength," another soft kiss "I love your incorrigible cuddling," another kiss "You protective streak," yet another kiss "I love your bravery," kiss "your kindness" kiss "your trust and faith in me" kiss "I love all three of your forms," a firmer kiss this time. "I love every inch of you my darling, from your nose to the tip of your tail." He kissed you deeply and kissed you so well you were breathless and your tears forgotten by the time he finally let the kiss end.

"I love you too," you told him, emotionally and physically exhausted. He kissed your forehead again and settled you more comfortably in his arms, and held you until you dozed off in his arms.


"Wake up, little wolf," Loki's voice bid you. You made a soft noise and settled more comfortably in his arms. He sighed. "Time to wake up, darling,"

"Why?" you murmured, not wanting to leave your comfortable place in Loki's arms.

"Because I'm taking you out somewhere fun as soon as we eat breakfast," he told you warmly. "Come on, little wolf," he teased and kissed the top of your head where your wolf ears were when you were in hybrid form. You felt the ears move and realized that your wolf had acquired them while you'd been asleep. You opened your eyes and finally sat up. He slipped out from under you before you could decide to curl back up on him to go back to sleep. He grabbed your hands and hauled you to your feet.

"I'm up, I'm up," you told him with a small smile. "You're being awfully silly this morning, you accused,"

He grinned. "I dislike seeing you sad," he informed you. "Now get dressed, we want to get there early,"

You rolled your eyes. "You're going to have to tell me where we're going if I'm to know what to wear," you informed him dryly.

"Jeans and a t-shirt is fine," he told you, using magic to don the same kind of clothes. You sighed and went to your dresser to pull out a pair of jeans and a comfortable t-shirt. Your wolf-ears were out courtesy of your wolf and your eyes were blue, but your claws and fangs weren't out. The wolf just wanted to be accepted too, so you didn't squash her back down. The second you were dressed, Loki took your hand and half-dragged you from the room. You laughed and let him drag you with him.

You hesitated when the elevator let you out on the main floor, self-conscious over your wolf ears. You didn't want the wolf's feelings hurt again this morning. Loki tugged harder on your hand. "Come along, darling. You need to eat something," he reminded you. He saw your hesitation and wrapped an arm around your shoulders and led you into the dining room.

"Loki," you protested softly. Your ears, they'd make fun of-

He turned and kissed you. "Stop worrying, they adore you," he reminded you. Clint handed you both a plate of pancakes, and made sure your plate had plenty of sausages and promised that they weren't turkey, or vegetarian.

"Thor, did your brother happen to tell you where he's taking me?" you asked pleasantly while you devoured your pancakes. The atmosphere of the room was off and you couldn't help wanting to fix it, even if they had made your wolf sad. You were an Omega and your instincts were to make everyone happy.

He boomed his laughter. "Sorry, Lady Wolf, he did not. You will just have to be surprised," he told you warmly. You remembered what he said, that wolves were cherished on Asgard.

"Like I would tell my plans to my oaf of a brother. He cannot keep a secret," Loki told you warmly and kissed your cheek. "I promise, I am taking you somewhere fun, so eat your breakfast and we can get going," he teased. You stuck your tongue out at him and he scratched behind one of your wolf ears.

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