Chapter 53

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 Loki decided that you were injured and tired from shifting so many times so quickly and therefore decided you needed a nap. It was such a hardship, though you did have to protest that you had studying to do for finals. "You have been studying for days for these exams. You can take a couple hours off to rest and heal," he reminded you. "You can return to your studies after," he added before you could fret more.

"Only if you're staying," you finally agreed, just for a couple of hours of course. Finals started the next day and you had the whole week off of work for them. Loki was right, you could afford a couple hours of rest.

"That can be arranged," Loki told you warmly. You smiled, kissed him, and laid down properly. He placed himself at your back, spooning around you, and keeping his back to the door, defensive and protective. You wanted to keep him with you until you were sure he was completely over his wolf-like anger from earlier, until you were sure he was completely calm again. Napping with an Omega should do the trick. His arm draped over your waist as he held you to him. "Rest, little wolf," he bid you warmly, in the same soothing croon that all the best Alphas aquired over the years. You made a soft happy noise, reassured by his presence, by that particular croon.


You sighed in exasperation a couple of hours later. "I've got to study, Lo," you told the stubborn god who didn't want to let you get up or out of the bed.

"Stay," he murmured, mostly asleep. You huffed and got out of the bed, strong-arming your way out of his embrace. He jolted awake then. "Darling? Where are you going?" he asked as he climbed out of the bed too.

"To find some clothes that aren't covered in my blood, and then to our couch downstairs to study. If no one's cooking, I'll order us pizza," you added as you headed to the door so you could go to your own room and find clean clothes. Loki followed you automatically. You sighed and rolled your eyes. "Lo, we're safe in the tower," you reminded him.

"Maybe I just want to spent time with you, little wolf," he teased and came up behind you to kiss your neck. You laughed, and playfully pushed him away.

"I love you dearly, but if you don't stop trying to distract me from studying, I'm going to tell Thor to stick you somewhere out of the way and keep you there with Mjolnir," you threatened him.

He glared. "You wouldn't,"

"Would," you replied. "Maybe the big walk-in freezer," you teased and stuck your tongue out at his splutters of protest. Clean clothes, giant textbooks, and laptop found, you and Loki made your way downstairs.

No one was there yet and you and Loki took your usual couch. You handed him a controller for the video game system and curled up with your text book to get back to studying while Loki contentedly killed things in the video games.

"Darling, you may want to order the pizzas soon," Loki commented awhile later. He still didn't like calling for food or talking to Jarvis. So you called in the usual order of too many pizzas from the pizza place that usually delivered to the tower. You returned to your book until Jarvis announced the arrival of the pizzas. You stood to go collect them and weren't surprised when Loki stood to come with you. He waited patiently while you signed the receipt for the pizza man and Loki helped you carry the stack of pizzas upstairs.

The rest of the team joined you shortly, drawn to the smell of food like moths to a flame. It didn't matter where they were in the tower, once food was around, they all flew to it. You returned to your textbook, pizza in hand while the team chatted around you.

"Darling, can I see your bracelet? I wish to work on that spell," Loki asked when he had finished eating. You had pizza in your mouth, so you held out the wrist with the charm bracelet on it, silently offering it to him. He smiled and took the bracelet off of your wrist to begin fiddling with the spell attached to one of the charms. "Surely the spell isn't that far off.." Loki grumbled while he looked it over.

"It's still making lingerie only, Lo," you reminded him sourly as you flipped the page in the book. Loki growled at the spell and began working on fixing it. There were growls from his end of the couch every so often, and one yelp as the spell shocked him.

"There, that should fix it," Loki announced when he was done. "Wanna try?" he asked.

"Little busy, Lo. Why don't you test it?" you teased. He smirked and wrapped the bracelet around his own wrist. He shifted to wolf form and back quickly. He could shift with clothes because of magic, but let the charm use the magic for him. When he turned human-shaped again, however, he was not wearing proper clothes. He was wearing lingerie. Not fancy men's underwear either, but skimpy, quite revealing women's lingerie. Which hid absolutely nothing. The skimpy silky underwear did nothing in the universe to disguise his manhood. At all.

You had to admit you greatly appreciated the view.

You roared in laughter as he looked down at his wonderfully revealing outfit. "Well... that didn't work," he commented dryly while you pulled out your phone to take a picture. Loki caught you at it and smirked, posing for the camera for you. You laughed harder and snapped another picture.

"I did not want to see that!" Stark groans and covers his eyes. The rest of the men were doing the same, and Thor calmly placed his hand over Nat's eyes.

"Brother, kindly put some actual clothes on," Thor insisted, looking at the ceiling, while you continue to roar in laughter and enjoyment.

"Maybe you need to try it again," you suggested too innocently.

"NO!" roared the men, which just made you laugh harder. You saw Nat move so Thor's giant hand wasn't blocking her eyes.

"What? He's a god. If he's showing off, I'm allowed to appreciate the view," she insisted innocently.

"Mine," you told her firmly.

"Just looking," she insisted, holding her hands up in surrender. You nodded and laughed. Loki's clothes shimmered back into place and he went back to fiddling with the spell, trying to fix it properly this time.

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