Chapter 59

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"Come on, little wolf, it's time to wake up," Loki told you as he gently shook you awake. You cracked open your eyes and saw that the sun wasn't even up yet. You had a rule about being up before the sun: except for class and work you refused.

"Lo, the sunisn't even awake yet," you whined and cuddled back up with Loki, snuggling into his arms as you tried to tug the blankets better around yourself. Except the annoying god was pulling the blankets offof you and sitting up. "Loki~" you whined as he made you sit up. You looked over at him with sleep bleary eyes. It had been early in the morning when you'd finally gone to bed and it was stillearly in the morning.

He chuckled. "Come along, silly puppy. We have plans today which involve you being awake," he teased. You stuck your tongue out at him, but after rubbing your eyes, finally consented to getting out of bed. "Good puppy," he told you with a smirk.

You rolled your eyes. "Annoying god," you grumbled. He laughed and joined you getting out of the bed. "What are we doing that means we have to be up so early?" you whined as Loki pressed a bundle of clothes into your hands. You sneezed automatically at his use of magic when he summoned the clothes.

"We're going out and I'm showing you more of Asgard," he told you warmly. "You'll see soon," he turned you by your shoulders and steered you toward an adjacent room. "The bathing room is through here. Don't fall asleep, or I shall have to come in there after you," he warned. You growled something unflattering at him and ducked into the bathroom to take care of necessities and dress in whatever he'd handed you. You were expecting another dress and instead found a very comfortable pair of black pants, designed for your tail, a black undershirt and a green tunic. You came back out to find Loki dressed similarly. "You look lovely as ever, little wolf," he told you brightly.

"No dress today?" you asked him, amused. You'd been under the impression that all women wore dresses all the time.

"Not until dinner. We are going riding this morning," he told you warmly, letting you in on at least some of his plans so you wouldn't worry. "And don't fret. The horses are well trained. They will not fear having a wolf among them," he reassured you.

"You've thought of everything," you told him and went to him to steal a kiss.

"Of course I did," he told you smugly and kissed the top of your head, between the wolf-ears there. "Come along, little wolf, we do not wish to be late," he told you and offered you his arm. You took it and walked with him down to the stables.

You stiffened when you got there. Not only were you and Loki going out, but Thor, Frigga, Odin, and Lady Sif were all going as well.

Loki chuckled. "Surprise, little wolf," Loki told you warmly. "Mother wished to go riding with us, so naturally the Allfather and my oaf of a brother wanted to as well,"

"And Lady Sif?" you asked as Loki led you over to the group.

He chuckled. "Father wishes for Thor to choose to court Lady Sif," he explained quietly. "It is not going very well so far, but they have been friends for centuries, so mayhaps my brother will get his head out of his ass soon and realize that Sif is perfect for him,"

"My head is not in my ass," Thor said pleasantly as he came to meet you and kissed your cheek. "Good morning, Lady wolf, I'm not kissing you, brother," he told Loki.

Loki rolled his eyes. "Good, I'd hate to have to stab you in front of Mother. It upsets her so," he teased and you all laughed. Morning greetings were passed around and Loki led you over to the horses. "This lovely little mare has been picked out for you, my darling," he told you brightly as he introduced you to the sweet little horse who wasn't at all afraid of you.

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