Chapter 5

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Tony and Cap both started giving out orders at the same time to everyone and anyone important enough to get orders. A press conference was set up for the next day before your shift at Stark Industries. Tony had somehow contacted the school and let them know you were moving out of the dorm tonight. You were amazed at the efficiency your life was being rearranged.

"Y/N, Thor, Nat, you're with me. We're going to the dorm to get your things," Cap ordered. Thor and Nat got to their feet instantly at the order. It took you a moment longer to follow them. Cap actually handed you your school bag. It had gotten left behind at work earlier. Pepper must have brought it with her, though you hadn't noticed at the time. At least you had your phone, IDs, and keys now.

"I can go get my things myself," you hedged. They didn't need to go out of their way just for you. You'd gotten used to being alone these last four years of school, and still weren't sure how to deal with humans most of the time. Cap just gave you the overprotective mom look.

"You're part of the team. It doesn't matter that you just joined us today. We protect and help our own. It's not safe out there for you alone, especially until the press conference tomorrow," Cap told you firmly. "Besides, you still have at least three bullet holes in you. No need for you to injure yourself more when Thor and I are perfectly capable of carrying the heavy boxes." You wanted to argue more, but you knew a hopeless fight when you saw it. Might as well let the manly men feel good about themselves for lifting the heavy things. You could have managed, even injured, but it made them feel better.

Loki had stepped forward too, in order to join you. "Brother, you do not need to come," Thor told him, not unkindly, more like he was saving his brother from an unpleasant experience.

"I wish to accompany you, besides, Y/N is under my protection, remember?" Loki replied, his arm was around you, not quite a hug, but his hand was resting on your waist. You were surprised by that. He didn't seem the type to like casual touches. Thor looked equally shocked by Loki's reaction.

You smiled up at Loki. "We're just going to my dorm to make them lift heavy object and carry boxes. Surely you don't want to help them," you teased gently. "However, I would appreciate if you could summon me some shoes?" He hadn't included shoes earlier and you kinda needed them to go outside, unless you were going out on four feet, which you weren't.

"Of course," he replied kindly. An instant, and one adorable sneeze from you, later, he was handing you a pair of comfortable gym shoes. "Shall we?" he asked, offering you his arm after you had slipped the shoes on. You sighed at the over-protective male, but placed your hand on his arm and followed the others to the elevator.

It wasn't long before the giant SUV was pulling up in front of your dorm. You led the way up to your room and were grateful yet again that your roommate was never around. She was an airhead who was never at the dorm and was always drinking, so she'd never noticed you sneaking out to go play in the woods. She wasn't here now either. You knew because she'd left the door unlocked. Again. You sighed heavily and pushed the unlocked door open. "My roommate never locks it," you grumbled as the door swung open.

Before you knew what was happening, Loki had wrapped his arms around your waist, picking you off of your feet and hauling you away from the room while Thor rushed in to the dorm to make sure it was safe. Cap and Natasha just stared at the Asgardians confused. "Loki, put me down!" you told him firmly, surprised that even with your enhanced strength, it was a struggle to fight against him.

"The room is clear," Thor announced, stepping back out. His tone sounded off, though. There was something wrong.

"You make protecting you difficult when you go rushing in to potential danger, little wolf," Loki told you grumpily as he finally set you back on your feet. You rolled your eyes. You were going to have to have a chat with all of these...shit... why had it taken you so long to realize they were alpha males? Just because they weren't werewolves didn't mean they weren't alpha males. Of course super heroes were. Alpha males could be, and often were, incorrigible around the submissive wolves, they were just as bad around Omegas.

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