Chapter 57

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You spent a long time in the hospital wing. Frigga wanted to have tea and chocolate cake with Loki and get to know you, so you sat in her office with her and got to know the gentle, caring queen. You would see how much she loved Loki by her interactions with him. She was also immensely interested in you. She wanted to know everything and somehow got you talking about everything she wanted to know. She didn't even make it soundlike she was grilling you, and yet she grilled you on all the details of your life, your abilities, your schooling, your job at Stark Industries. You don't know how long she got you to talk about yourself, while Loki, the horrible cheat kept you calm so you'd keep talking by petting your hair and scratching behind your ears.


It didn't help that your wolf liked Frigga and thought she was a proper mom, so she wanted to tell her everything.

Damn wolf.

You don't know how long you sat talking with Frigga before one of the servants interrupted. "Your majesty, I apologize for the interruption, but your husband wishes to meet the Midgardian guest," the servant announced. You felt all the color drain from your face. Loki's stories of Odin did not paint him in a pleasant light and you didn't think he was going to like you, even if wolves were inexplicably loved here. Frigga dismissed the servant with a kind thanks.

Loki leaned over and kissed your cheek. "Don't fret, little wolf. Father insists on meeting all visitors to the palace and I will be with you the entire time," he reassured you gently as he stood and offered you his hand. You took it nervously and bid Frigga goodbye before Loki led you to the throne room. You kept your hand tightly on Loki's arm as you walked with him through the halls of the palace. "Darling, it will be alright. Wolves are cherished here," he reassured you again. "It will only be a couple of minutes. He just wishes to meet visitors to the palace,"

"I hope so," you said doubtfully as you drew strength from your wolf before you accidentally got Loki on edge. Loki didn't react well if you were stressed out or sad. It was the alpha tendencies showing through, but they wouldn't help right now. So you borrowed strength from your wolf and tried to look like you belonged as Loki led you up the aisle of the throne room to where Odin sat waiting on his throne. You dipped a proper curtsy, having been taught how by Loki. It hadn't exactly been something you needed to know in the compound.

"What is our guest's name?" Odin demanded after he allowed you to rise. You could tell by just those few words that he disliked you. On sight. Loki and Thor had already told Odin about you. There was no reason for Odin to ask who you were.

Loki's court mask didn't slip when he replied "This is my lady, Y/N of the Alpha werewolf pack on Midgard," he told Odin calmly, not letting any of his emotion seep into his voice, but you could sense his hackles rising at the insult to you, moreso than at the insult to himself. Odin should have cared more about who Loki was courting, as the king if not as Loki's father, adopted or no.

After that the interrogation began. You didn't remember what all Odin asked. You were too busy being terrified the entire time. He wanted to know your powers. He wanted a demonstration. He was disappointed you didn't do more than turn into a wolf at will and extend peace to the pack. You had no peace now and saw Loki getting riled up in agitation at all of Odin's questions, since they were upsetting you. You took a deep breath. You had to find some calm in order to share it with Loki. He was wolf enough and Alpha enough to be calmed by your Omega abilities, as long as you found some calm to share with him. So you dove into your abilities while you mouth answered whatever stupid question Odin was asking and found some calm and peace to share with your Loki. He calmed next to you and relaxed. Odin actually seemed impressed with that as his own emotions cooled in your presence. Odin asked more and more questions before he finally dismissed you, and told Loki to remain behind.

Eavesdropping is not something one should ever condone.

And yet

You hovered outside of the throne room doors, and didn't let Odin know that you could hear him clearly from where you were, though Loki would know, especially with your wolf ears out.

"I do not care if she is a wolf. She is an unsuitable match for you. You're a prince of Asgard. It would be one thing were she a noble of Midgard, but she is a commoner at best. At best. Her kind are shunned there and hunter. There is no power to be gained by this union. You should be courting a lady of Asgard, or a princess from one of the other realms. You know your duty to the throne!" Odin roared at Loki.

"The law of this realm is that any may marry whomsoever they wish," Loki replied calmly. "I will not wed for political reasons. I will not wed for power. I will not wed some feather-brained court lady. I will not end the courtship of the lady who has won my heart, who cares for me so deeply and who I love with all that I am, just because you do not approve of the union. She is perfect for me and I will not break things off with her just because you feel she is unworthy,"


"I was already a monster!" Loki roared right back, his temper finally snapping. "Or is my heritage only important when it is convenient to you? My lady loves me despite my heritage, and sometimes because of it. She is no monster. And I am no more a monster for having been infected by one of the wolves," he added hotly before Odin tried to claim that you had infected Loki. You hadn't and he wasn't a full werewolf, though you still didn't know all the implications of his infection.

"I love her more than anything in all the nine realms and I would be beyond honored if she will agree to be my wife when I ask it of her," Loki snarled at Odin and you had the feeling he had forgotten you could overhear.

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