Chapter 71

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"MOTHER, WAKE UP! LOKI, NO! STOP THIS! BROTHER, FIGHT IT!" Thor's pained, desperate cries continued. His heartbreak was in his voice as was his helplessness. You could hear his struggles down the hall and knew they must've done something to incapacitate him if he still wasn't able to break out and help his family. Thor was a warrior and there wasn't much that could take down the god. Somehow Hydra had managed.

You had to get out of this cell. Now.

You looked over the cell door and scoffed at the shoddy workmanship. Yes, it would hold a human. Hell, it might even hold Cap, but there was no way it was going to keep an angry werewolf contained. You drew on your wolf, drew on her strength, and ripped the door off of its hinges. It had only been held there with a couple of bolts and came off easily in your claws. From there you took off running, shifting to half form as you ran, donning the strengths of your wolf, her strength, her speed, her enhanced vision, hearing, fangs, and claws. Anything you had at your disposal, you called upon them now.

You were out of time.

You ran down the hall on bare feet, desperate to get to Loki before he was forced to do something he couldn't forgive himself for. Even though it wouldn't be his fault, Loki could never, ever forgive himself if he harmed his mama. Even though it was mind control, or whatever else Hydra had up their sleeves, it would break him if he hurt Frigga. He loved her more than anything, including you, and he'd rather rip out his own throat than hurt her. She'd loved him his entire life, knowing that he was a jotun, was a monster by her realm's standards. She'd cared for him as her own, taught him his magic, done her best by him and loved him unconditionally.

Her support of him had never once favored, no matter how much Odin preferred Thor.

He would never forgive himself if something happened to her.

So you ran to save him. To save her. To do whatever you could to fix this situation.

It was easy to follow the sound of Thor's yells. His voice carried and he was desperate. They weren't fighting to keep him quiet. They didn't seem to care.

You burst into the room where Thor was yelling, a huge lab with an open floor plan. Thor was chained to a chair on one side of the room with thick chains that he was straining to bend and break as he stared in horror at the scene in the middle of the room. You caught him making a stupid hand gesture you'd seen him make a thousand times as he struggled in his bonds.

He was trying to summon Mjolnir.

A Hydra agent holding Loki's scepter, Loki in wolf form, and Frigga were all in the middle of the room and stole your attention from Thor. Frigga was still unconscious and Loki was stalking toward her, though he seemed to be fighting it. It was then that you saw that his eyes were ice blue. You knew that color blue. Knew what it meant from your time with the team. There was only one thing that caused that color blue, and it was in the room.

Loki's scepter and the mind stone within it.

He was being controlled and ordered to attack his mama.

"Loki! No!" you cried, throwing your omega power at him to try to get through to the wolf. The wolf would listen to you if you could just reach him. Your power fizzled away. The wolf was under their control too. You couldn't break through to reach him.

Loki ignored you and lunged for Frigga.

In the next moment a great many things happened all at once. Agents ran for you to subdue you while you rushed into the room to stop Loki. Frigga's eyes snapped open and she rolled away to her feet. She came up in a fighting stance, magic around her hands. Less than a moment was all it took for her to assess the situation and read the room. She knew it was Loki in front of her, though she hadn't seen his wolf before. She would know her son in any form.

You saw pain in her eyes for the briefest instant before her expression settled into determination. She didn't want to fight her son, but she would stop him from doing something he couldn't live with.

Except she was Mama Frigga. She was the gentle healer queen of Asgard. She couldn't take down an enraged werewolf.

There was no way.

She wasn't a fighter.

Or so you thought.

In that same crazy moment, Mjolnir came crashing through the wall.

That wasn't atypical. Mjolnir often went flying through walls when Thor summoned it.

It started to fly to Thor, who looked ecstatic to see his friend, the semi-sentient hammer. His hand twitched again, calling the hammer closer.

His expression fell to confusion when the hammer didn't come to him.

Then shock filled the room and everyone paused.

The hammer went straight to Mama Frigga.

She caught the hammer like she had been fighting with it all of her life as lightning sparking around her as magic glowed around her free hand. It was in that moment that you remembered that the Asgardians were a warrior race. Even the court ladies knew how to fight.

Even their queen.

Though you had never expected it to happen, never expected to see the proof for yourself, there was no question in all nine of the realms that Mama Frigga was indeed worthy to wield Mjolnir.

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