Chapter 25

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"Pleasepleasepleaseplease?" you begged, bouncing between your friends, who had been gathered for a quiet evening in the living room.

"You should just give in," Loki suggested calmly from next to the elevator, where he was waiting patiently for the others to give in and do what you wanted. "She is not going to stop until you do,"

"Make her stop," Tony whined at him when you bounced in front of him to bother him.

"Please, Tony!~ It'll be fun!" you pouted at him. Thor was the first to give up and go join Loki by the elevator. Smart man.

Tony thought about it. "Fine, if tomorrow night you sit quietly and don't pester us to death about something," he finally grumbled.

"Yay!!" you kissed his cheek and hauled him to his feet.

"A quiet evening tomorrow," Clint told you firmly. The rest of the team echoed the sentiment, but finally, finally they all agreed to come with you.

"Yay!!" you bounced over to Loki and linked your arm with his. He chuckled and lifted you by the waist to spin you around, making you giggle. "Will you-?" you gestured to your friends once he'd set you back on your feet. "So they don't just hide in their rooms?"

"Yes, darling," he replied warmly and held you to him so you didn't go bouncing around annoying everyone again.

"What are you asking him to do?" Tony asked suspiciously.

"You have to go in costume," you reminded them. You'd been over this already. They all grumbled at you, but promised to go put on their costumes and meet you downstairs in five minutes if you didn't sick Loki on them. You squeed and agreed.

"And who are you supposed to be, love?" Loki asked you when you were in the elevator heading down to the fancy cars you were going to take. He was dressed in his New York armor again.

"I'm me," you replied, pouting at him.

He chuckled. "Obviously, silly little wolf." An instant later your wolf ears were out.

"See? I'm me. I'm part of the team too, right?" you asked softly. He chuckled and kissed the top of your head.

"Of course you are,"

The team arrived within five minutes as promised and you all piled in the cars.

"Why are we agreeing to this?" Tony grumbled when he saw how crowded the theater was, and how many people were in costumes.

"Because it'll be fun," you reminded them. "And because I promised to give you a nice quiet evening tomorrow where I don't annoy you,"

"Annoying puppy," he grumbled.

You all got out of the cars and walked into the theater together to whispers of 'no, that can't be them', despite that everyone was carrying legitimate weapons, including Cap's real shield and Thor had Mjolnir, and of course Stark's suit was real.

"Have any of you actually seen the Avenger's movie?" you asked when you found seats all together, with plenty of popcorn to go around.

" We kinda lived it," Clint replied.

You roared in laughter. "This is going to be as fun as bringing Lo to it the first time. At least you guys know about Rocky Horror already, so you have some idea what to expect,"

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