Chapter 1

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I Just have to say Glory ,Deathbringer, Jambu, Grandeur, Kinkajou, the DOD's and a few others are Tui. T Sutherland's characters not mine

Glory's morning was the same as it usually is. Wake up, choose which color to change her scales to , greet Deathbringer, then get on with her queenly duties. She had just changed her scales to a navy blue  with a bit of a gradient to a light purple when there was a knock on the door. Glory answered the door and there waiting at the door was not her all to smug bodyguard it seemed to be a rainwing messenger

The rainwing standing at Glorys door looked very uneasy and worried she was sweating a awful lot 

"Your majesty," Greeted the rainwing with a respectful bow "I have some u-unpleasant news for you."

The rainwing just stopped speaking like she couldn't bear to say anything. Glory was getting very anxious so she politely stated  

"Please do go on."

"W-well you see Deathbringer has fallen terminally ill and is in Possibility because they have a specialist there." She said the sentence so fast that Glory almost didn't catch what she said.

It took a moment to process what the rainwing said but once she finally understood she was in shock, she thought that Deathbringer was someone who was invincible so she took him for granted thinking that he would be there forever.

Gloy paced the room she had to think of something to do she finally decided to waste no more time debating and fly to possibility. Glory didn't tell anyone that she was going she just sort of did. It was a six hour flight to Possibility but, Glory didn't stop once till she was there.

On her fight she paced rivers, fruit trees and all sorts of delicious pray but, at that moment nothing mattered more to her than going to support Deathbringer and let him know he wasn't alone. 

Once Glory was in Possibility she had no idea where to go so she tried the nearest clinic she could think of. To get there she had to go through some pretty nasty parts of town she had a few close encounters to some people she never planned on meeting but, it was all worth it if she got to  see Deathbringer. Glory tore open the doors to the hospital and rushed around scanning all the patients for Deathbringer sure enough there in the last bed she checked he was lying there unconscious in the hospital bed.

"Hello your majesty. Are you ok" Greeted a sandwing doctor walking up beside Glory

Glory hadn't noticed but, her eyes were filled with tears and her scales were a ugly blue color indicating sadeness. She never liked people knowing her emotions but, today she didn't care what anyone thought of her.

"What i-is wrong with him?" Asked Glory

"Well you see" replied the doctor "we actually don't know"

Glory felt red creeping up her scales not because the doctor didn't know what was wrong with him but, because he didn't have a drop of sympathy in his voice or overall seem to care very much. She let the doctor get away with being rude right now because she needed to be with Deathbringer. Glory pushed past the doctor and knelt beside Deathbringer 

"Can you leave" Glory stated more than questioned 

"Make me!" replied the doctor 

That was not what Glory was expecting to hear "EXCUSE YOU!"

"You heard me! This is my hospital"

Glory was not dealing with this right now so she got up and slapped him right across the face. This guy really had no manners because he slapped her right back. Glory was about to retaliate and punch him but, deathbringer beat her to it. The doctor was out cold.

"Deathbringer y-your-r  your alive?" asked Glory

"Of course I am my queen" Stated Deathbringer right before he fainted

Hi! I hope you guys enjoyed it i just wanted to get it out to see if you guys liked it 

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