Chapter 37

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For some reason I decided to write this chapter following Jambu idk why but, enjoy.

Deathbringer had left Jambu alone in the rainforest once he heard a deafening scream that was all too familiar to Deathbringer. Then Jambu was left by himself to wait for Galaxyshifter. He had asked Galaxyshifter to come to that location because he had something really important to ask her but, being the chicken he is he didn't know if he was capable of actually working up the nerve to ask her. At the thought of Galaxyshifter he was a brighter pink than he usually was and that was pretty hard to do. 

Jambu was in a dreamy state but, he was soon to be jolted out of that state by the very person that put him in that dreamy state "Jambu?" Said Galaxyshifter quietly, thinking that he might have been asleep.

He shook a little before standing up and turning a embarrassed crimson. Jambu stepped away from the tree that he had been laying on stepping out into the pale moonlight making his scales look silver more than pink.

"Um, hey Galaxyshifter." Said Jambu -more nervously than he would have prefered- shifting on his talons.      

"Hey, Peanut Butter!" Said Galaxyshifer excitedly 

Jambus look was so priceless at that moment that if he decided to sell it the whole rest of Pyrrhia wouldn't have a drop of gold left.

"Did you just call me peanut butter?" Asked Jambu exasperated 

Galaxyshifter walked out into the moonlight to confront Jambu and when she did her scales glew like nothing he had ever seen it was on the edge of being unnatural but, at the same time it seemed like it could be wholly just her beauty.

"Ya I just called you Peanut butter" Challenged Galaxy playfully "What'ch you gonna do about it" Galaxy took a step closer to Jambu so they were snout to snout making both of them blush but, still neither of them moving a inch.

"Well" Claimed Jambu "You know what imma do about it ... i'm going to call you Laxy" 

"That's not even creative at least Peanut butter is creative!" She said looking unimpressed

"Well mine at least relates to your name yours is just totally random" Commented Jambu choking down a laugh.

Laxy threw her head back obviously very offended "Mine soooooo does relate to your name!"She declared choking down a laugh as well "And you are not calling me Laxy"

Jambu looked skeptical but let her continue "Ok"Begun Laxy putting a look on her face as if she had a plan, a back up plan, a back up back up plan and so forth. " Sooooooo your name is Jambu correct?"

He nodded genuinely curious as to why she would ask a question like that. "So your name can be shortened into Jam right so why not Peanut butter?" Asked Laxy "BOOM, mic drop" It sort of sounded like she was making that reason up but, Jambu couldn't deny that it worked perfectly.   

After a second of failed attempts at keeping straight faces they broke into uncontrollable fits of laughter. They fell to the ground and started rolling around on the ground holding their own stomachs.

Jambu sat up in Laxy's direction and she followed except in his direction. Jambus cheeks hurt from laughing so hard and he thought that hers must have as well.

"Okay, fine Peanut butter it is" Said Jambu admitting defeat. 

Once their fit of laughter had ended that nervous tension between the two was back but, wasn't as bad as it had been before.

"Well tell me something about yourself." Said Jambu changing the subject.

Laxy was eager to do something more interesting than sitting on the ground talking about herself but, she felt that even doing the most boring things with Jambu could be made more interesting just by having him around.

"Well." Stated Laxy "Um... i'm a guard at the favorite colour is cinnamon and uh.. my favorite flowers are Jasmines"  


"Do you want to go now?" Said Laxy 

"Well not really" Said Jumbu with a slight chuckle

"Okay let me rephrase that tell me about yourself" Ordered Laxy

Jambu was just about follow the orders that were given to him not strictly though he was going to ask the important question that he got her here to ask but, was interrupted by a rustling in the shrubbery behind them. Both their heads shot back at the same time causing whatever or whoever was there stomping out of the bushes.

"Oh no" Was all Laxy could spit out before she got a severe scolding.

"GALAXYSHIFTER!" Scremp a Nightwing that Jambu didn't recognize but, was pretty terrifying. He had a giant scar along his cheek all the way to his shoulders and if he wanted to -witch he did- be seen he could by standing up straight it made his presence even more horrifying "WE ARE HAVING A SERIOUS TALK!"  

"Pray for me" Begged Laxy before flying off in the direction Jambu assumed as her hut because he knew that she lived in the Nightwing village and that was the route that most of the NIghtwings took to get back to their village.

Just as Galaxyshifter had almost flown out of sight he could hear something echo through the air along the lines of 'See you Peanut Butter' 

So he shouted back "SEE YOU LAXY" as loud as he could.

I really liked writing this chapter , I hope you guys liked reading it too

ok so what on earth is happening so many people have read this book it's so amazing 

Hope you enjoyed

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