Chapter 13

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Glorys stomach had looked a little swollen before she was going to leave for JMA so she had went to the healers hut to get checked out and now she new what was wrong and she needed to tell her friends and Deathbringer but, it would be hard very hard.

Once everybody got caught up on what had happend to Deathbringer and all the events leading up to and after how they had met Crystal it was time for the meeting to begin.

Glory, Clay, Tsunami, Sunny and Starflight all sat around a small conference table each sitting about one meter away.

Deathbringer agreed to stay outside the meeting room because he wanted to show Crystal the school so when Crystal is old enough to go he would know his way around.

"So I called this meeting today because we have a serious problem-" Tsunami was cut off by Glory running out of the room.

Glory knew in her head what was happening but, she didn't want to come to terms with it. She ran as fast as her legs could take her to the farthest cave possible away from everybody. Glory ran into the room locked the door and started screaming because of the pain. She hoped her friend couldn't hear her but, that was highly unlikely.

It took for what felt like forever but, eventually the pain stopped and sitting in front of Glory was a over sized black and pink egg.

Glory was terrified not because of Deathbringer or her friends Deathbringer loved her no matter what and her friends were very accepting but, she was scared of how the rainforest would react.

"Please Glory open the door" Begged Deathbringer

Glory couldn't hear them over her screaming but, they had probably been there the whole time. Glory reluctantly crawled over to the door and unlocked it she crawled back over just in time to hide the egg with her wing before the door burst open.

Glorys scales had changed to a ugly mix of white and green. Her friends looked shocked at the room it was not a pretty sit there was blood all over the floor.

"Let's get you out of here" That's the last she heard Clay say before she blacked out.

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