Chapter 22

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The royal hatchery was the place Glory and Deathbringer were standing in each others arms hoping for the best and fearing the worst for their hatching egg. Glory couldn't understand why she was so worried, all the other dragons including Kinkajou, Jambu and Moonwatcher were all assuring her that everything was completely fine but, you can't blame her for worrying about her young even though she wasn't doing a very good job of worrying about all her kids.

"It's almost out of the egg!" Exclaimed Kinkajou abruptly shattering the peaceful silence  

Another crack spread on the now gigantic egg revealing the tiniest dragon Glory had ever seen. It was a neon pink starting at the tip of it's now gradually fading into a mat black toward its tail. 

"It's a..................girl?" Said Kinkajou holding the newborn dragonet by its tail  

"Put her down!"Ordered Glory reaching taking her from 

Surprisingly enough the dragonet didn't make a peep it seemed to fascinated by Glory. Hold that little dragonet was something that Glory had never experienced.

"I know what to name her." Stated Glory turning to look at everyone else in the room and all there smiles were almost as big as Glorys. Every looked very eager to find out what her name was so she continued.

"Her name is........Pitaya"

No one objected to the name in fact it looked like they all quite adore the name. Crystal would love the name too........... wait Crystal. Glory rushed out of the hatchery still holding Pitaya close to her chest. Deathbringer followed closely behind her the others must have thought that they should give her some space because they stayed a the hatchery trying to pretend to not be staring directly a Glory.

"What's wrong my love" Asked Deathbringer hobling beside Glory

Glory was so mad at herself she couldn't muster up a single 'nothing' to reply to Deathbringer.

Deathbringer decided to stop needling at Glory and just walk alongside of her. Faster than Deathbringer could even register where they were headed they arrived at the healers hut and it all made sense.

How did you like it? I sorry i haven't updated in a little bit i was at my best friend's house all weekend.

Hope you enjoyed  


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