Chapter 29

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" we should probably go after them right?" Asked Clay still smiling from ear to ear.

"Noooo we should just let them get away!" Said Glory sarcastically 

"Oh ok then" 

"I was being sarcastic doofus."


Glory loved Clay but, sometimes things just few in one of his ears and came out of the other. Glory didn't know how long they had been loose so they could easily be halfway across Pyrrhia by now but, if she could take a guess she would say that they went back to get Glorys dragonets. She didn't have any time to form a plan with the others if what she thought really was true. So she set off towards the location Starflight and Fatespeaker had taken Crystal and Pitaya hoping that the others would follow.

Glory flew off and she was followed by Deathbringer, Tsunami, Clay and Peril. Once they arrived at their destination Glory saw exactly what she didn't want to. Fatespeaker and Starflight definitely weren't the best fighters but, with Crystal fighting with them they were holding off Oasis and North pretty good. Just as Deathbringer and Tsunami were about to go totally barbaric Oasis slashed his barb tail injuring Crystal, Fatespeaker and Starflight.

"NOOOO!" Yelled Pitaya rushing over to help Crystal

Deathbringer for the second time today had North pinned to the ground but, pinning Oasis to the ground this time was Glory.

"GET OFF ME!" Exclaimed North

"No" Said Deathbringer with his 'heroic' face on

Again they tied up North and Oasis but, this time they weren't going to escape. Glory had bigger problems than worrying about them getting away she had to worry about her son and two of her closest friends. 

Clay and Tsunami were already with Starflight and Fatespeaker so Glory went over to Crystal and knelt beside him. Pitaya was hardcore sobbing her heart out so she gave her a quick reassuring hug.    

"Someone go get cactus juice, NOW" Ordered Glory

"Yes ma'am" saluted Deathbringer flying off to the healers hut.

Glory layed her talon on Crystals face in effort to reassure him a little bit.

"You're going to be okay honey" Whispered Glory in Crystals ear


Glory got off her knees and walked over to the cold blooded dragon.

"He is MY son and his biological parents are dead."


Glory would have to finish that argument later because Deathbringer arrived with the cactus juice.

"We aren't done" Said Glory before running back over to Crystal to help apply the cactus juice.

Soon enough North and Oasis were in the dungeon Tsunami, Clay and Peril had gone back to running the school promising to visit very soon and Crystal, Fatespeaker and Starflight were all in the healers hut.

Glory might have to get her own healers hut because for her family it is like a home away from home.

I know yesterday was easter but, happy easter anyway I know this chapter wasn't very well written sorry.

Hope you enjoyed.

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