Chapter 24

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Glory never thought taking care of a dragonet could be so hard but, it definitely would have been easier if Crystal was completely better right then he had feeling back everywhere but, he still couldn't fully hold his head up properly so he had a neck brace on.

It was now confirmed PItaya couldn't change any of her scales but, that was ok because Pitaya was so happy just being a pink and black dragonet at least until she was a teenager.

"MOMMY" Shrieked PItaya

Pitaya was playing with Silver and Silver gave Pitaya a talon shake that's what caused her to shriek.

"Isn't that cool hunny you brother taught her to do that" Said Glory walking over to Pitaya and picking her up

"What do you want to do now Taya" Asked Glory knowing that she probably wouldn't reply because she still couldn't form many words except mommy dadda and brother.

"Brother BROTHER" PItaya really loved Crystal so they visited him at least three times a day and sometimes even in the middle of the night.

They arrived at the healers hut and Pitaya ran over to Crystal the second she saw him. Crystal was still there for another few days till he had to go to a hospital that could provide better physical therapy.  

While Crystal and Pitaya were doing whatever they were doing Glory went over to Deathbringer and gave him a quick kiss before giving him a tight hug. She had her scales her signature beetle green with hints of amber but, after seeing Deathbringer she was starting to slowing turn pink. After several attempts Glory was back to her original colour but, not before Deathbringer noticed.

"So you're happy to see me huh" Said Deathbringer with a smug smile growing on his face.

Something was off Deathbringer was usually pretty happy but, right now he seemed to ecstatic he was also holding something behind his back.  

"Wipe that smug smile off your face" Ordered Glory with a slight chuckle "Of course I am happy to see you"

"Oh ya about that um" Said Deathbringer looking down at his one leg "I would kneel down but.............anyway Queen Glory of the Rainwings and Nightwings will you make me the happiest dragon on Pyrrhia and marry me"

Deathbringer pulled out his hand from behind his back revealing the loveliest ring Glory had ever seen it was a bunch of tiny twigs painted navy blue and white with one little diamond on the top.

"Well what do you say." Asked Deathbringer biting his lip obviously hoping that she would say yes

Now Glory had no chance of not turning pink she was brighter than Kinkajou. She was so happy she was speechless she managed to spit out a single yes before Deathbringer pulled her into a kiss.

I was so happy writing this chapter there getting married woooooohhooooo

Still don't mind any spelling errors of grammar mistakes I try to get rid of them all but, there is only so much i can do about it

Hope you enjoyed           

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