Chapter 32

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Crystal was right Fatespeaker definitely could talk for hours and she had about heaven knows what because Glory didn't register a single word that came out of her mouth. She was to busy wondering about everything and nothing at the same time. Glory stared at Fatespeakers lips they were constantly moving except for Starflights occasional grammar corrections then she would start the whole sentence over with the new modification.

Glory had said that she would be back to her hut in a few 'seconds' but, of course that hadn't happend. She cut Fatespeaker off mid-sentence

"Sorry I have to go" Said Glory pointing in the general direction of her hut "If you don't want to fly back right now feel free to sleep in one of my guest bedrooms....I can show you there"

Fatespeaker and Starflight just blankly stared at Glory as if she had morphed into a scavenger or something.     

"Did you not hear what I just said?" Asked Fatespeaker with her jaw dropped

"Um.....sorry?" Asked Glory genuinely frighten. Her fright must have shown on her scales because Fatespeaker continued 

"I'm uh... with egg" Awkwardly muttered Fatespeaker

Now it was Glorys turn for her jaw to be dropped to the floor that was two announcements in two days. She had a feeling that they were all going to be really good friends.

"Well hooray um....congratulations" Glory Stated. She took a few steps closer to Fatespeaker before whispering in her ear " Who's the father"

Glory already knew the answer but, she was curious to see how Fatespeaker would react. Just as she had predicted Fatespeaker blushed then turned her head to Starflight standing up against the healers huts outer wall oblivious to their conversation. 

"Ohh well i'm happy to hear that" Said Glory " But, I really do have to go get some sleep and the offer still stands my hut has a really nice guest room"

"Glory, we are Nightwings you know."

"I realise that but, Nightwing or not you not sposto fly on a full belly."

"Whatever i'm not that far along and i'm starting to get library sick anyway."

"What on pyrrhia is 'library sick' anyway" Asked Glory  

"It's when your sick of being away from the library like... home sick"

"That's not a thing" Said Glory before running over to say goodbye to Starflight since they decided to fly home

Glory set off in the direction of her hut, it wasn't that far away so she just walked. She took one step in front of the other and right a that moment she had some serious Déjà Vu. The rainwing prison was on the way to her hut, so Glory decided to go have a talk with North and Oasis before she had to had a whole conference and such about the custody of them.

Deathbringer definitely wouldn't approve of Glory going there by herself but, he would never have to find out. She took at step into the rainwing prison and like she made sure of there were three fully trained and alert Nightwing guards posted at the door.

She waltzed right into the prison stopping at the first occupied cell witch happend to be Norths. He was sleeping on the rock hard ground twitching in his sleep. Glory banged on his cell bars so loud every single prisoner there was startled awake. North stood up and grabbed one of the bars with his right talon and with the left he swung it through the bars in an attempt to strangle her. In all the years Glory had been queen almost every single dragon she had put behind bars had tried to strangle her so she was nearly immune to that attack. Glory swung her own arm through the bars trapping him in a firm choke hold.

"" Choked out North between gasps 

Glory let him go letting his body flop to the floor. North clutched his neck in his talon before backing up to the other side of the cell


Everybody's frecken pregonant there dragonets are going to be so cuuuuuuuttttteeee.

Sorry I would have updated earlier but, this morning i was in bed and my mom woke me up and was all like "You wanna go babysit in a hour for like 3 hours and a half" And i'm like "heck ya" and that was that so

Sorry i'm like fatespeaker I could talk for hours on end but, thank you guys so much for reading i just reached like 850 view thanks so much

Hope you enjoyed            

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