Chapter 2

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Deathbringer awoke in a different hospital room than he remembered falling asleep in but, that didn't bother him because Glory was right beside him sobbing her heart out. A few of the nurses at the new hospital were watching Glory and Deathbringer like they were actors in a movie so he shot them a few dirty looks.

"My queen don't cry." Said Deathbringer in a soothing voice ignoring the 'awwws' from all the nurses.

"Oh Deathy, I love you" whispered Glory

"I love you too"

'I can't believe that she just said that' Thought Deathbringer. He loved Glory from the moment he met her in the Ice kingdom but, he never expected her to return the feeling.

"How did you get here?" I asked her

"I rode on a magical unicorn turtle" replied Glory sarcastically.

"Oh I missed you so much"

"I missed you too, oh by the way are you ok you punched that dragon pretty hard?"

"I don't remember punching anyone but I feel-"

Right on cue Deathbringer burst out screaming because of the horrible pain in his leg. It felt like razors were sawing right though his scales.

"Deathbringer are you alright......nurses doctors someone please help" pleaded Glory

Deathbringer so badly wanted to comfort Glory and reassure her that everything was going to be fine but, he just couldn't. He just kept screaming. The new doctor must have heard Glorys plead because he came in running to Deathbringer care.

"I know what's wrong with him," The doctor informed Glory "but, the cure is pretty drastic i'm sorry its the only one I know" Glory just slowly nodded signifying him to continue

"We will" the doctor could barely be heard over deathbringer's blood curdling screaming "have to cut of his leg because it is infected and we can't have it spread more than it already has"

Glory looked so puzzled Deathbringer couldn't tell if she actually understood what he said. Deathbringer on the other talon understood full well he would loose his leg or........ he would die.

Before Deathbringer knew it he was unconscious being prepped for surgery.

Sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger. Hope you enjoyed

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