Chapter 9

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Glory's stomach has been hurting off and on the whole flyt in the desert once she even threw up she was also for some reason craving pickled cow she didn't think much of it she just kept flying. It took a long time but, at last Glory and Deathbringer found the tunnel back to the rainforest.

They both very badly wanted to get home but, Glory really wanted to she not only was starving and hurting but, she was very homesick.

Glory was just about to enter the tunnel when something jumped out at her. Even though Deathbringer only had one leg he still jumped in front of Glory to protect her. The attacker wasn't a attacker at all it was a little hybrid dragonet. The dragonet looked like a Icewing, Seawing mix he was totally cute.

"Where are your parents?" Asked Glory

Deathbringer just stared blankly at the hybrid and the hybrid stared right back at Deathbringer.

"um, itz mommy itz wat I dunt now" Said the little male hybrid

"um, what?" Said Deathbringer

"Well what is your name?" Asked Glory

"upum, Cwrystul" Replied the dragonet



"So where is your Mommy and Daddy?"


The dragonet started walking in the opposite direction from the tunnel. Glory really wanted to get back to the rainforest but, she reluctantly followed anyway. Crystal lead them to a big dead tree and under that tree was two tombstones.

Glory and Deathbringer just stared at the little dragonet in shock.

"C-can I talk to you in private, Deathbringer?" Stuttered Glory

They walked a few steps out of earshot of the orphaned dragonet.


"Yes, my queen?"

"We are adopting him"

"Were what?" Asked Deathbringer

"Adopting him!" Stated Glory before walking back to Crystal.

Deathbringer didn't care all that much he just would have preferred to have a say in adopting there first dragonet.

Glory walked back to Crystal and knelt beside him

"How would you like to come home with us, Crystal?" Asked Glory

"ump, Uh yeah peas"

And just like that Glory and Deathbringer were heading back to the rainforest with their new son. Glory new she shouldn't just take a random kid off the streets but, she couldn't just leave him there by himself.

How did you like it I really liked writing it I am so happy that they got dragonet. In the next chapter I will elaborate more on what Crystal looks like and his backstory just so you know.

I hope you enjoyed

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