Chapter 43

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Deathbringer paced his hut back and forth like it was instinct in a situation that required actual thinking. He had just woke up in the same place he had been knocked unconscious surrounded by all of the Nightwing guards and Pitaya who had also been knocked unconscious. Trying to keep PItaya in her state but, wake up all the guards was a lot harder than Deathbringer would have hoped because he ended doing the exact opposite of that ,accidentally bumping into her tail waking her. "Mommy?" Asked Pitaya 

"Do I look like mommy to you?" Said Deathbringer flicking his hips sassily. "Come we're going to look for mommy." Ordered Deathbringer not really expecting a real answer to his question.  

Pitaya cocked her head trying to come up with a good come back and spurted out everybody's reflex retaliation "No you." She stuck her tongue out at her father but, ultimately followed the orders that were given to her feeling disappointed that she didn't get a bigger reaction out of Deathbringer.  

They walked side by side wondering were they would start their desperate search for Glory. As they walked down the deserted hallway Deathbringer noticed all the guards that had been stationed all along the walls. He thought that even if the guards had seen something coming they would have had no chance against the monster that went by the name of Leach but, that fact just pushed him even harder. Step by step his and Pitaya's talons clomped down the hall  coming possible closer or farther to their desired target they had no real evidence for the path they chose but, Deathbringer was always one to go with his gut.

"Daddy,"Said Pitaya her voice saturated in sadness and confusion, "Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did," Stated Deathbringer, " but, yes you can ask me another." He added observing her quivering lip.

"Is Cwystal doing to die?"

Deathbringer froze dead in his tracks. He hadn't thought about his son since he had been hospitalized, because he had just been trying to forget about him completely dreading the fact that he might never ever be able to talk to his son ever again. That wasn't the only reason he wanted to forget about those events was because, even if it was pretty far stretched, he had found a way to pin it all on himself. "Why would you and ask such a stupid question?" He choked out with a lump in his throat and tears in his eyes.

"Don't say the 's' word daddy!" Exclaimed Pitaya looking awe stricken.

"Well he's NOT."

Pitaya was not even phased at Deathbringer's raise in his volume in his voice she was occupied staring at something in the distance . She ran off without another word to her father racing of into yander. He tried many times to call her back to him but, all his attempts failed and he ended up taking off into flight in the direction of Pitaya avoiding the burden of walking with only one leg.

He arrived at his destination only to find Jambu, Galaxyshifter and Glory all standing around a tiny egg fighting for their life against Leach.

Sorry this chapter was crap I seriously have had like no time to write but, i'm not going to bore you with my excuses.

Hope you enjoyed     

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