Chapter 25

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Today was Glorys big day the day she was going to get married to her soulmate. She wasn't nervous at all they already had two kids, the whole rainforest knew that they were together and she got to see all her old friends again.The wedding was in six hours so Glory still had some time to do some other stuff before she had to get ready to walk down the aisle.  

Glory walked out of her hut towards the healers hut because PItaya, Crystal and Deathbringer were all there. Normally walking through the rainforest was easy for Glory because of being queen and all but, today it felt different like she was being watched. She shook off the concern and continued walking maintaining her queenly posture so the rainforest would give her just that much more respect. 

"1...2...3 jump" Glory recognized the voices but, she didn't have enough time to react because she was trampled by three dragons jumping from one of the trees canopies.

"WHAT THE MOONS" Wailed Glory breathlessly

"Hi moommmyyyyy" Said Pitaya breaking out into a fit of laughter

"Why are you guys here and owwwwww my everything hurts" Complained Glory frowning at Deathbringer

"Well sorry for that but, we have some important news-" Began Deathbringer

"Crystal?" Questioned Glory staring at Crystal "You're, you're all better" Glory pulled him into a tight hug and everybody followed forming a group hug.

"Yes mom i'm all good" Said Crystal "Let's go inside" 

Crystal carried Pitaya on his back into the hut where they all sat around the dinner table. Pitaya hadn't been alive long but, Glory could already tell that Crystal and Pitaya were going to have a unshakable bond.

"I love you guys so much" Blurted Crystal

That was how it started the longest conversation in the world they went over everything from what happend when Glory was unconscious and what is was like in the hospital in Possibility for Deathbringer soon enough Taya was sleeping on Crystal and Crystal was almost asleep himself.

"I feel like i'm late for something for some reason" Said Glory " But, there is nothing-..............oh no"

Tooooooooooootally not late for their own wedding  

And yes this my second update today so it's aloud to be a little shorter

I Hope you enjoyed

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