Chapter 33

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"HE IS NOT YOUR SON YOUR JUST A-JUST A LAZY RAINWING!" Screamed North flailing his arms about. 

"HE ALWAYS HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE AND YOU HAVE TO DEAL WITH THAT AND WHAT'S WRONG WITH BEING A LAZY RAINWING THAT DOESN'T UNQUALIFY YOU TO BE A PARENT" Glory was screaming so loud that she was sure everybody on Pantala could hear her. "AND I WILL PERSONALLY MAKE SURE THAT HE WILL NEVER MEET YOU!"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

"Never say never" Challenged North slyly smiling     

Glory really didn't want to look behind her back maybe if she didn't look back long enough Crystal would just disappear but, despite her wishes Crystal didn't disappear he began to speak.

"Um- mom why do you have to be so loud I was trying to sleep" Whined Crystal " And you woke Pitaya up and now she won't go back to sleep dad is raging"

Glory didn't know why she didn't want Crystal to meet North part of it might of been is that she didn't particularly believe that North was his father. Crystal took a few steps in the door till he was right behind Glory.

Glory spun around to face him. "Go back to the hut and i'll be there in a few minutes tell you dad that as well"

Crystal was about to leave and obey her until North spoke

 "No come here little Crystal" Demanded North

"Who are you?" Asked Crystal spinning on his heels not clueing in that he was to one that tried to kidnap him yesterday.

Glory give North a stink eye while trying to push Crystal in the other direction but, it didn't work they went on with there conversation.

"Crystal.........I am your father" Dramatically stated North moving from the front of his stall to the front in one humungus step. 

Glory stepped in between them and pushed Crystal out the door. Crystal didn't seem to mind it appeared like he was being pounded by a wall of memories loosely swaying and mumbling something under his breath.

"NO STOP LET ME GO!" Screamed Crystal frantically breaking away from Glorys grip running towards Norths cell grabbing the bars and shaking like if he shook them hard enough they would crumble beneath his talons.

"What has gotten into you? We're going home" she said grabbing his talon and pulling him. After several attempts that failed she had to get help from the Nightwing guards.

Glory was terrified now Crystals eyes were glossed over and his whole body was shaking like he was reliving a terrible experience.

In Glorys lifetime there had been tons of things that she had been through but, not one of those things measured up to how petrified she was at that moment. After all it was her son and she would lay down the world for him and Pitaya.

Her efforts and the Nightwing guards combine were barely enough to move him away from the bars long enough to stick a sleeping dart into his neck.

"What do you want us to do with him?" Asked one of the Nightwing guards who she recognized as Galaxyshifter.

" I-um...................don't know" Confessed Glory falling to the ground . "I don't know what to do"

Galaxyshifter told some other dragons to do something but, Glory was in a state of shock so she didn't catch anything that came out of her mouth. She got back on her feet and started pacing the room till she had enough and ran out of the prison in the direction of wherever her wings took her.

Glory knew that running away was as far as she could possibly do from the right thing but, she needed somewhere to blow off steam and the Rainforest wasn't the proper place to do that.

Thank you guys so much for reading the story just got like 900 views its bonkers. 

Still sorry for any errors in spelling or grammar goofs. 

What movie did I reference in this chapter?

Hope you enjoyed.   

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