Chapter 26

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Glory rushed out of her hut and ran into the rainforest headed for the waterfall were the ceremony was going to be held. She wasn't alone she was being closely followed from behind by Deathbringer, Crystal and Pitaya but, Pitaya was on top of Deathbringer because she still couldn't fly yet.

Glory landed with a thud in the platform -that had been set up for the wedding- startling all the guests from there noisey chadder.

"Umm you guys are early" Said Glory with a nervous laugh

A lot of dragons were there including Tsunami, Riptide and what looked like a little baby seawing, Peril, Clay, Starflight, Fatespeaker, Sunny, Queen Thorn, Queen Ruby, Cliff, Smolder, Kinkajou ,Moonwatcher and like the whole rainforest a few more people were invited but, unable to attend.

The whole crowd broke out in laughter causing Glory to turn a embarrassed crimson. Pitaya, Deathbringer and Crystal walked up beside Glory in a effort to comfort her.

Tsunami, Clay and Sunny walked up to confront Glory.

"It's ok Glory" Said Clay with a ear to ear smile

"Ya come on let's go get ready" Pitched in Sunny taking Glorys hand

"You've been busy it looks like" Said Tsunami pointing to Pitaya and Crystal

"Looks like you have been as well"Replied Glory pointing to the frighten dragonet wrapped around Riptides leg

"I missed you" Said Glory to Tsunami "No matter how much you annoy me"

Tsunami looked like she was about to punch a hole in a tree so Glory took that as a queue and let Sunny drag her to a little gazebo a bit away where she was to get ready.

Deathbringer got dragged in the opposite direction by Clay presumably for the same reason as Glory.

"Ok ok i'm so excited what do you want to color your scales we have to put like pearls wait no flowers wait no roses white roses" Screeched Sunny excitedly

"Holy cow Sunny calm down" Said Glory with wide eyes

Glory hadn't even begun to think of what she was going to change her scales let alone accessories. Glory shifted in front of the full body debating if she was going to change them to a lilac or violet. She new that she wanted her scales to be purple but, that was all she knew.

Glory decided to change to a light lilac. Sunny came back with a hand full of white roses Glory hadn't even noticed that she had left.

"Ok i'm going to make you stunning it will be hard though it's tough to make something that's already stunning more stunning"Explained Sunny with a smile that reached her eyes and further.

"Thanks Sunny"

Faster than Glory had expected she was there standing at the end of the aisle waiting for webs to finish crying so he could walk her down the aisle. Who knew Webs could be so emotional.

Deathbringer had a quick shower and polished his claws and teeth in a effort to look more presentable.Deathbringer took Glorys talons in his waiting for the moment he got to say 'I do'

Starflight was the one who was going to marry them but, the DOD's still had a school to run so Starflight just skipped to the 'I do's' speeding the process.

"Deathbringer of the Nightwings" Begun Starflight"Do you take Glory of the Rainwings as your lofly wedded wife?" 

"I do"

"Glory" Said Starflight "Do you take Deathbringer of the Nightwings as your lofly wedded husband?"   

Glory focus was elsewhere though she was focused on two of the dragons in the crowd it was the dragons that captured them back in Possibility and the icewing had Crystal and the sandwing had Pitaya they were trying to discreetly get away but, that wasn't happening on Glorys watch. 

"Um I do" Said Glory right before running after North and Oasis 

So i have like five days off school because we had a PD day the today was Good friday tomorrow is sunday then saturday weekend obviously no school then Easter monday so i have some extra time to write.

I Hope you enjoyed       

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