Chapter 6

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Deathbringer's head was throbbing and he couldn't see anything 'Whoever captured me and maybe Glory... wait Glory I hope she is okay if they so much as lay a finger on her I will rip them apart limb by limb'

Deathbringer had been unconscious so he had no idea where he was or any idea where Glory was 'I should have protected her.'

His captures must have thought that he was still unconscious because they started talking

"North, why would a queen have a legless bodyguard? Rainwings are so stupid" Deathbringer wanted to lash out so bad but, it would be no use because his hands were tied , he had a bar over his snout, he also had a bag over his head and he needed to learn more info about his captures.

"Oasis you dimwit it doesn't matter. All that matters that we have the queen. We can kill this useless nightwing for all I care...... unless he matters to the queen then once the rainforest pays for her ransom she'll pay ransom for him" This captures voice sounded like a Icewing because it was all raspy he figured that was North and the Other one was Oasis

"Let's go find out" Replied the first voice

Before Deathbringer knew it he was staring Glory in the eyes them both being questioned by two masked figures one radiating heat and the other freezing air.

"What is he to you!" Demanded North Kicking Deathbringer to the ground

"Nothing. He is nothing to me" Snapped Glory. 

Even though he new she was lying it still felt like a kick in the gut to her say those words.

"So you wouldn't mind if I killed him?" Asked North holding a blade to Deathbringer's throat.

Glory turned a bright green her eyes widened but, as quickly as it happened Glory turned her scales back to the navy blue she originally had them.

"Ahhh, he does mean something to you" Commented Oasis

"We better lock him up." Ordered North "Take him away Oasis"

Deathbringer was taken to a cold dark cell that if they did decide to kill him no one would hear him scream.

I have no idea why I updated again for the fourth stinking time but, I had a lot of time to write today. Hope you guys enjoyed!!

Okay I have two sisters can you guess if i am Youngest, Middle ,or Oldest  

First one to get it right well..... Congratulations for being right 

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