Chapter 3

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'He will be okay. He will be okay' That was what Glory kept telling herself throughout Deathbringer's surgery. This normally would be stressful for Glory having one of her subjects going through a life threatening surgery but, even more now because she loved Deathbringer and she couldn't ever live without him.

Glory was sitting in the waiting room outside the surgery room anxiously on the end of her seat awaiting the results. Glory's scales were a mix of dark green and dark blue. Deathbringer had been in the surgery room for more than three hours that means she had been out of the rainforest for nine hours.

Glory didn't want anyone stressing over her so she went outside and it was very dark probably pretty late. There was close to no one passing by because everybody was asleep. Glory waited for about ten minutes till a grumpy looking female sandwing passed by.

"Excuse me. Can you go to the rainforest and deliver a message for me."

"No"Replied the grumpy sandwing walking away

"Please it is urgent." Begged Glory

"What's in it for me?"Asked the sandwing stop and turning her head 

"You will be rewarded with whatever you would like." Replied Glory giving the sandwing puppy dog eyes

The sandwing took a moment to think then asked "What's ur'message lady?"

Glory thought that the sandwing must not of recognized her in the dark because that was not how you talk to a queen. She didn't retaliate though considering what happened with the doctor back at the last hospital.

"Say these exact words." Glory took a deep breath then said "Queen Glory of the Rainwings and Nightwings is okay and in Possibility. She will be back in 5-10 hours and Jambu will be in charge of the rainforest till she gets back." The sandwing must have clued in because she bowed then took off.

"Wait!" Shouted Glory the sandwing stopped mid-flight and turned around "Recite the message to Grandeur and Jambu. Thank you."

Glory went back into the hospital and to her surprise the doctor was there to greet her.

"Hello your majesty, my name is Tumbleweed"

"H-how was the surgery?" Glory asked fiddling with her talons. Glory was so scared she couldn't loose Deathbringer she just couldn't.

"I am proud to announce that the surgery was a great success."

A smile grew on Glorys face"Can I-Can I see him?"

Tumbleweed nodded to the room Deathbringer was in. Glory opened the door and saw Deathbringer laying on the hospital bed. To Glory surprise Deathbringer was not unconscious, she really hoped that Deathbringer wasn't awake for the surgery even though she doubted it she was still a bit flustered from everything that has happened earlier that day .

"Deathbringer?" asked Glory tiptoeing into his room

"The one and only." replied Deathbringer tiredly 

Glory ran up to him and wrapped him in her wings like she would never see him again. They stayed like that for a good minute it was one of happiest moments in Glorys life.

Deathbringer was the one to break the silence stating "Want to see my leg?"

"That is the weirdest question I have ever heard you ask. But, Sure" She said with a small chuckle

Glory immediately regretted laughing because it really was no laughing matter. Deathbringer's  leg was gone all the way up to his hip bone.

How did you guys like the chapter. I really liked it. Just so you guys know I will try to get out one chapter a day sometimes I will do every other day or two though

Oh and sorry for the poor quality this is my first ever story and i don't have a lot of experience writing. I hope that I will get better as this story progresses and overall make better stories

Thanks so much for reading

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