Chapter 35

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Glory ran down on all fours as fast as her legs could take her. She looked behind her back for a spit second and that was all it took. Her leg buckled and she tumbled into a bush knocking her head on a tree. Glory layed on the ground crippled by fear, two broken wings and a possible -at least sprained- knee. She had to try to get back up so she did but, it was useless she moved a inch and she was in unbearable pain.

Glory could hear footsteps approaching where she was. Her tail was the only thing outside the bush, she could turn it invisible but, that wouldn't be much help if they tripped over her tail. She couldn't even begin to fathom dying in that undeserving bush alone not of had a chance to say goodbye. 

Glory took a breath that could've very well been her last while they pasted by the inferior bush that might've been her final resting place. She closed her eyes and started thinking about all the times Crystal, Deathbringer and Pitaya made her laugh when she was down and how even if she had the worst day on Pyrrhia coming home to them made it all worth it. She wished so much that she actually thought before she acted if she would've done that then she would be at her home thinking up a solution to help Crystal. Pitaya would be sleeping in her lap and Deathbringer would be massaging her shoulders and telling her 'don't to worry everything is going to be fine' then once everything was back to normal he would put on his smug face and say 'didn't I tell you so'.

"Come with me" Urgently whispered a unfamiliar voice

Glory looked up to the source of the voice and felt a tear run down her face. She saw a talon stick through the bush, she would have grabbed it except she couldn't. It wasn't a 'can't move' like Crystal is was a 'can move' but, with bizzare pain.

"I can't" Sputtered out Glory staying a the low tone the mysterious figure set.

"Um... just trust me" Said peculiar sounding stranger  "Kay"

"Ya I do" Glory usually wasn't that trusting to dragons she just met but, the circumstances affected her preference of how quick you can be to trust someone.

The last thing Glory saw was a face not any dragon that had every roamed that continent and not any hybrid either.  She felt something prick into her arm and that was no rainwings sleeping dart it was something that instead of taking a few seconds to kick in it worked virtually instantly.

She sure hoped that the dragon she gave her complete trust to had at least a sliver of a heart because that could be the difference between being able to watch her kids grow up and never seeing them again.

I hope you liked it I know it was a little shorter ish but, i just got back from baseball practice  

Hope you enjoyed   

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