Chapter 18

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Glory was puzzled everything had gone back to normal except everything that mattered. She was queen once again she had her rainforest and her egg but, Deathbringer and Crystal were gone the two most important dragons to Glory in all of Pyrrhia. 

Glory had sent three search parties out already all of them coming back empty. Normally she would just go out and tear up the world looking for them herself but, she was scared from all that had happened those last few days and she just couldn't function properly without Deathbringer. She decided to choke out her fears by thinking of what could be happening to them right now reluctantly leaving Jambu in charge. 

Glory walked out of her hut looking from one dragon to another expecting Deathbringer to be there waiting for Glory but, he wasn't. She walked some more to shocked to fly. She walked all the way to the Nightwing village just to check on the Nightwings one last time before she left.

Just as she had assumed the Nightwings were perfectly fine. She walked around the Nightwing village a little longer not to make sure everything was fine with the nightwings she was procrastinating trying to put off facing what was yet to be faced. 

Finally, Glory left the Nightwing village. Glory thought that searching the rest of the rainforest would be a good first step even if the search party had already searched it.

One tree to the next one clearing to the next Glory searched and searched for hours on end before deciding she had to find a better attack on the situation. Finding her way back to the rainwing village was harder than Glory had initially predicted because of how far she had gone and she had turned every which way looking for the faintest sign of the ones she loved the most.

Once Glory arrived back at the rainforest all three moons were visible it was beautiful out. Glory wondered how the sky could be so happy on a day like this.

Glory walked into her hut and there waiting for her was Jambu. Normally Glory didn't like having any physical contact with anyone except Deathbringer but, now she didn't have him she just ran up to Jambu and hugged him like the world was going to end.

"Jambu I don't know what to do." Said Glory on the brink of tears sitting beside Jambu on her hammock  

"Well first you have to have a rest and tomorrow you have to have sun time you probably haven't had it in forever." Said Jambu with the slightest smirk

"No! I have absolutely no time for sun time or sleeping I have to think of a plan to get them back" Exclaimed Glory

"First of all you always have time to sleep and second how do you know that someone took them they could have just gone on a trip."

"Where would they go, to Pantala it's not like them to run off especially Deathbringer he would never leave me unprotected"

"Ok I get it I guess they probably were taken but, they're not dead," Said Jambu

"How do you know that!?" Asked Glory staring Jambu right in his piercing green eyes  

"Do you truly love them?" Asked Jambu in a calm and collected voice. Glory nodded with a slight gloss on her eyes "So don't you think you would feel it if they died?"

That made Glory so much more at peace than she originally was. She had known Jambu for a long time then and she had never heard him be this real about anything before. With the new found peace of knowing that Deathbringer and Crystal weren't dead she fell asleep.

I Hope you enjoyed!!

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