Chapter 40

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Jambu turned invisible as his younger sister stormed into his hut while he was in mid-make out with Laxy. Galaxyshifter on the other hand couldn't change her scales so she was left alone to confront Glory. Jambu was a mixed of terrified and overjoyed that Glory was back in the rainforest.

"Oh, hello Galaxyshifter have you seen Jambu by any chance?" Asked Glory crossing her arms and raising her eyebrow.

"U-um no." Lied Galaxyshifter

Even if Laxy's scales were black Jambu and Glory could both she the faint blush appearing in her cheeks.  

Glory knew what had happend but, she wanted Galaxyshifter to come clean anyway. "So you don't know where he is you just felt like rummaging through his stuff without his consent?" Asked Glory with a smirk on her face.

"Umm.. what this isn't my hut?!" Exclaimed Laxy exasperated 

"I guess you're going to be on the other side of the bars for, breaking and entering." Announced Glory waiting for Jambu to materialize out of thin air. Finally Jambu gave in and turned his scales back to his signature pink. "Oh how nice to see you Jambu." 

"Ummm... Hi Glory what are you doing here?" Asked Jambu stiffly. "I'm glad your uhh....not dead" Added Jambu shuffling closer to Laxy

"Mmmmm" Mumbled Glory. She wasn't mad that they were making out or that Jambu left Pitaya unsupervised in fact, she wasn't mad at all she just liked to pick on her over sensitive brother. "Carry on with your canoodling but, ........... next time try not to get caught by a three week old dragonet." Commented Glory before gracefully striding out the door.

Jambu mentally pace palmed before turning back to Galaxyshifter. 

"Well that didn't go all to well now did it Peanut Butter." Said Laxy 

"No, no it did not," Agreed Jambu. He was desperate to break the thick wall off tension and awkwardness he added "I'm uh... famished ?" Guessed Jambu moseying out of his hut, glancing over his shoulder to check if Laxy was following. Just as he had predicated she was almost stepping on his tail but, then she wasn't almost stepping on his tail she was and she stepped right on the sensitive part.

"OOOOWWWW" He bellowed jerking his white tipped tail into his talons "What was that for?"

Before Laxy had a chance to respond they heard a distant call that was recognizable as Glory's, Jambu knew that it was Glorys call not because it was exceptionally distinct, it was because he had heard it right in his ear drums so many times that he had become very familiar to him.

Apparently she had became very familiar with his tone as well because she screamed back at him. "JAMBU SHUT YOUR MOUTH I'M TRYING TO PUT PITAYA DOWN FOR A NAP!"

That comment provoked Laxy and Jambu to break out into continuous laughter but, still relatively quiet because they were attempting to obey Glorys order, at least a little.

"Sarry PB." Apologized Galaxyshifter picking a apple of a tree just above her head "Apple?" She asked extending her arm so he could grab the apple.

"It's 'sorry' ," Corrected Jambu "And i'm not that hungry."

Laxy rolled her eyes and chucked the apple at his head not hard so it hurt just hard enough to prove a point. She almost regretted it afterward but, not quite his puppy dog eyes and pouty lip both weren't big enough. "The whole reason we left your stink'a hut was cause'a your brainless stomach was 'famished', a'n now your not hungry." Mocked Laxy making air quotes with her talons on the word famished.

Unimpressed Jambu turned around and started walking in the opposite direction of his hut and Galaxyshifter. He didn't even turn his head to check if she was following him because he was pretty irritated by her constant obnoxiousness.     

It was bright daylight out so there flirting was completely visible to everybody even the Rainwings that were known to be hardcore gossipers but, that didn't matter to Jambu and Galaxyshifter because they didn't classify it as flirting.

"Wait up Mr. Stinky Scales" Called Laxy sprinting up to Jambu and matching his speed. She cocked her head in attempt to start a conversation. After several minutes of Jambu being a lumpy ,grumpy,poopy sack of mold and ignoring Laxy. She stopped for a second pausing at the clearing in the forest they had walked mindlessly into waiting for Jambu to walk a few paces in front of her then jumped on his shoulders and tackled  him to the ground. "Hello" Breathed Laxy once she was snout to snout with Jambu pinning down his limbs so he couldn't leave in till she made him explain. "Why you so P.O'd dude?"   

He tilted his head deep in thought and dumbly replied "I don't .....remember actually." He struggled against Galaxyshifter for freedom.

"Idiot." Commented Laxy before rolling over onto her back giving him mobility to his then tingling limbs. "But, I must admit you are the smartest idiot i've eva met."

Thanks for reading! So my P.A.T i think went all right I don't have the results but, for the story we had to write part of it I took three hours and thirty minutes and mine was nine pages when all my classmates were approximately one page and a half sooooooo opps.

Here you go @iamawingsoffirefan for commenting up a storm

Today's my Grandmas 82nd birthday

Hope you enjoyed . 

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